Chapter 27: Tessa

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"Mother, are you alright?" I bang on the bathroom door. My mother's reaction just now was very strange. It's a known fact that she isn't an emotional woman, so something must be wrong. She opens the door slightly.

"Can we talk?" She whispers, and I nod.

"Let's do it in my bedroom." I offer.

Once we get to the bedroom, I move the paper shredder off the bed and we sit. My mother's eyes are red, and her makeup is smeared.

"Why are you crying?" I hand her the tissue box that's on my bedside table.

"I'm sorry, I thought I would be able to hold it together." She lightly dabs her under eyes with a tissue to avoid further ruining her makeup.

"Is this about me getting married?" That's the only reason I can think of for her to be acting so emotional. "I've never really seen you like this."

"Yeah, it's just everything. You're growing up so fast, and I guess I didn't realize it until now. You are getting married tomorrow."

"Well, technically, I was supposed to already be married." I try to lighten the mood with a joke, and surprisingly my mother laughs along.

"I just miss so much. I am going to miss so much."

"I know living in two different states will make it difficult, but there is technology, so we can facetime more often, especially once I have this baby, I'll need your advice for some things."

The more I talk, the more tears seem to escape her eyes. "You will be apart of this baby's life, Mother."

"It's not that." She shakes her head.

"You can come here more often, too! I know Heather loves the city and would love any opportunity to come here, or maybe you can stay a little while once I have the baby to help." I don't really think before I offer that. I know if my mother moved into our home, I would lose my mind.

"Theresa..." She says in-between sobs. "I didn't want to tell you like this, with me so emotional..."

"What's going on?"

"I won't be able to travel to come visit you after today, at least for a little while."

"Why?" I ask. "Is it a money issue? I can help, Hardin has some money saved, plus we-"

"No, it's not money."

"Then what is it?" I plead with her to give me an answer.

"I... I have cancer, Theresa." She whispers almost inaudibly, so I am almost certain I heard her wrong.


"I have breast cancer." She says, confirming that what I heard is true. My mother has cancer? "It's bad. Stage two or three they think. I'm sorry for telling you like this."

I am speechless. My heart is breaking. I can't lose my mother, especially at such a pivotal point in my life.

"When did you find out?" I finally muster enough energy to say.

"About four months ago. When you visited yesterday, the doctor called saying I am approved to start chemotherapy once I get back home. That's why I have been so emotional."

"You've known for four months, and you didn't tell me?"

"Well, you were so angry with me for the longest time, I didn't want to tell you over the phone anyways. I figured Christmas would be a good time since I would be here in person."

My mind doesn't know what to do with this information. "Is it hereditary?"

"Well, my grandmother had breast cancer, my great aunt had ovarian cancer, and my cousin had brain cancer, so I guess it does run in the family."

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