Chapter 50: Hardin

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Is this really happening? That's a question I ask myself a lot of fucking times.

The only reason I am getting in this Uber with Tessa and driving our asses to the tattoo shop I use in Brooklyn is because she wants to do this. I know she's doing this out of fucking pity because she knows how much it upsets me that I missed her getting her first tattoo.

"Do you really want to do this? This is so-"

"Spontaneous. I know, and yes so stop asking." She places her hand on my thigh.

"What the fuck are you gonna get?"

"I still don't know. Are you gonna get one?" She asks.

"Maybe, I mean... might as well since we're here."

"We should both get 'hessa' tattooed on our finger!" She laughs.

"Hessa? The fuck is that?"

"Hardin and Tessa, our ship name."

"Ship?" I am so confused.

"Like our couple name. It's our names combined. Remember people used to call us that?"

"What are we, fucking teenagers?" I shake my head. "We aren't getting our fucking combined name couple thingy permanently tattooed on our bodies."

"I know, I was kidding. I really don't know though."

"Well, you have about two minutes before you have to know."

When we arrive, I can tell Tessa is regretting this. She is thinking way too deep into this tattoo thing. Half the tattoos on my fucking body where not thought out. I just told the tattoo guy the first thing that came to my mind half the time. Only a few were truly thought out and hold meaning to me. Though, just because most of them are not sentimental, doesn't mean I regret them.

We walk in, and are greeted by Paul, the guy who has done a few tattoos for me. He's pretty damn good, even though it costs a shit ton of money.

"Ah, Hardin Scott. Long time, no see." He comes over and shakes my hand.

"Hey, Paul."

"Hey, Tessa. Looking beautiful, as always." He hugs Tessa.

"Thanks. We're here to get tattoos." She tells him, and I can tell he's surprised.

"Both of you?" He looks to me, and I nod. "Alright then, let me get the papers."

Paul hands us two papers that we have to sign that pretty much state we consent and won't sue the tattoo artist if anything were to happen.

"So what's new with you two. It's been, what, almost a year since I've seen you."

"Well, we're married." Tessa holds up her hand to show her ring.

"No fucking way. Congrats Mr. and Mrs." He collects the papers from us.

"Also, we're expecting." Tessa holds her stomach, and Paul gives her a weird look.

"Oh... you're pregnant?" He looks to me before looking back at Tessa. "There are a few risks with tattooing while pregnant."

"Risks? It'll harm the baby?"

"Not necessarily, but there is always a chance of infection, which yes could harm the baby."

"Shit. I didn't think of that..." Tessa frowns. "Looks like it's just you getting one."

"I don't have to. I don't even know what I want to get." I tell her, but she shakes her head.

"I mean, I'm not gonna force you, but you should get one if you want since you're here."

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