Chapter 78: Tessa

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"Trish has been progressing well, and we are confident in her progression if she were to go home." The doctor announces to Hardin, Mike and me.

"That's wonderful news! So she can go home today?" Mike asks.

"Yes. Nurse Kelly here will go get her discharge papers so she can be discharged this afternoon."

Mike walks over and shakes the doctor's hand before stepping out into the hallway with him. I believe he's discussing Trish's care plan since she still has so many broken bones and injuries. I'm so glad she's healing quickly. After everything that's happened, this is the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

"I can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed." Trish claps in excitement. "I never thought I'd miss our creaky old mattress."

Hardin grabs my arm and lightly tugs on it, motioning for me to follow him to the far side of the room.

"So, I think we should make sure my mum is comfortable when she's home and leave for France this afternoon. Since today is Thursday, we'd only have about two days to really do anything. I still know it's not optimal, but at least it's something."

I interrupt his guilt trip. "I think that's a great idea. When we get your mother home, we can book those tickets. The train ride to Paris is only about two and a half hours from here."

Mike walks back in with a stack of papers. "Here honey. Just look through all of these and then we should be good to go."

I call Mike over and inform him of our plans for the next few days.

"Oh that's wonderful. I'm glad you two will be able to go." Mike pats Hardin on the shoulder. I'm confused. When did Hardin and Mike gain a relationship where Mike would touch Hardin? He's never really done it before. The weirdest part is that Hardin doesn't shrug out of his touch.

"Yeah, it all worked out."

"I should have everything under control with your mum. The doctor just gave me a huge lecture about all the things I need to do for her, but hey, that's my job right? To take care of her."

"She's lucky to have you, Mike." Hardin tells him, and I swear my jaw hits the floor. Who is this man that I'm standing next to?

I pull myself together and agree with Hardin's statement.

My stomach growls in hunger. I didn't get the opportunity to eat this morning since I didn't feel the best right before we had to leave Mike's house. Now, I'm feeling better and my hunger has caught up with me.

"I'm going to grab some breakfast." I announce to the men. I wonder if Hardin will come with me or if he'll stay with Mike.

"I'll go too." Hardin decides and steps past me into the hallway.

As we wait on the line for the cafe, I grab a hold of Hardin's arm to turn him towards me. My hands move to his face to examine it. "Are you feeling alright?"

He grabs my hands and moves them away from his face. "Of course. Why would you even ask that?"

"You were acting strange back there."

"What are you going on about?"

"With Mike. You were weirdly civil with him."

He blushes in what I think is embarrassment. "I don't know... I was just being nice."

"Hardin, in all these years I've known you, you've never just 'been nice' with anybody."

"Hey." He holds his heart, offended by my statement. "I'm just glad someone is here to take care of my mum. Plus, he's not that bad of a guy."

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