Chapter 77: Hardin

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"So, where do you plan on taking Tessa today?" Mike attempts to start conversation with me as we wait for Tessa to get dressed.

"Probably just around the city. We don't have a car, so I can't take her too far, but London has plenty of things to see for the next couple days."

"And you can't forget about Paris!" He announces in excitement, but that only makes my stomach turn. I have to call Stacy soon to weasel my way out of this meeting, but knowing Stacy, she's so fucking stubborn. She's very stern and to the point, like me. She doesn't tolerate any bullshit, and isn't scared to call someone out on it, also like me. Even though she is a bitch most of the time, she's damn good at her job. Her experience in the publishing world got me on the best sellers list, so I can't fire her. Maybe I should ask Mike for some advice? Is that weird? Well, fuck it.

"About that..." I begin. "Tessa doesn't know this yet, but something has come up for work that would require this trip to be cut short, like very short. I need to be home by Thursday, and I know I can't blow this opportunity, but I also don't want to end this trip without going on our honeymoon."

Fuck. I regret talking about this already. Mike is probably gonna give me some long ass lecture about how I should've been honest and told Tessa the minute I found out.

"Well, is there any way you can get out of it?"

"Possibly. I'm going to call my publicist later today to see if she can move my meeting around."

"Then I don't see a need to tell Tessa until you've had that conversation." Mike surprises me by saying. I wasn't expecting him to be on my side about this.

"You're right... thanks." I give him an appreciative smile, and he nods in my direction.

"Are you guys ready to go!?" Tessa sneaks up behind me and jumps on my shoulders.

Mike laughs as he grabs his keys. "I think Trish will be awake this early."

"You should know, you're married to her." I spit out as a joke, but I don't think it came across that way. Tessa kicks my shin to validate my thoughts.

"Let's go." She smiles before passing in front of me. Oops.


We spent a few hours at the hospital before my mum tells us to leave and explore the city. Tessa has been running around all day just absorbing everything this country has to offer. There's nothing in this world that makes me smile more than seeing Tessa with such a child like innocence and appreciation for life. It reminds me why I love her so much, and why only she could've ever brought the darkness out of me. Tessa and I found this little restaurant in the city that's know for its authentic English dishes. Out of all of the choices, Tessa decides to try a famous English delicacy, Bubble and Squeak. I never particularly fancied the meal, but she insisted on trying it. After one bite, her face grows sour as my laughter grows stronger.

"I told you it has an acquired taste."

She's trying her best not to spit it out, but I can tell she wants to desperately. She chews it slowly before swallowing it.

"I don't know what you mean, I think it's delicious." She shrugs and smiles through the pain. She doesn't want to admit I was right.

"Sure you do. Go ahead then, take another bite."

"I would love to." She picks up her fork, and slowly places another forkful into her mouth. "Mmmm."

"You're such a liar." I shake my head, and she finally lets up and spits it into a napkin.

"We can take it to go, my mum loves this stuff."

Tessa sighs in relief as I summon the waiter over to ask for the check.

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