Chapter 22: Tessa

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I'm happy that Hardin and I were able to actually discuss some of the things we've been holding in for the past few years. That was our most stable conversation, and I am very proud of us. Seeing Hardin talk about what he said, I can tell that he didn't mean what he said in a malicious way, and I understand why he didn't tell me. What he said about wanting marriage and a baby because he wants that for us, not the other way around was really comforting. I feel more secure than ever now in our relationship, and I cannot wait to marry this man and raise a baby with him.

Once he handed me that list, I knew that I was gonna have to take care of him. It's a pleasure, really. I love caring for him because at least if I do the things on this list for him, I'll know they're getting done.

"Well, I'll go dampen a washcloth and get the ointment for you. Stay here." I quickly kiss his cheek before running towards the bathroom

"Wait, Tess! I actually have one more thing I need to tell you." I hear Hardin yell from the main room, but I am distracted by an odor. I see smoke starting to pool out of the kitchen, and immediately run into it.

"Shit! Hardin!" I scream.

Hardin runs in, and I see fear plastered on his face. The fire isn't that big, but it's big enough to leave me and Hardin speechless on what to do.

"I'll go get the fire extinguisher." I tell Hardin, but he grabs my arm, pulling me out of the kitchen.

"I'll go, you stay here." He begins to walk away but I follow him, blowing past him and grabbing the fire extinguisher out of the closet. I have used one of these a couple times when I first started cooking. I burned a lot of things, so it was always at my side.

"Tessa! Give me it!" Hardin tries to grab it out of my hand.

"Have you ever even used one before? Wait, why didn't the smoke alarm go off?"

"I have no fucking clue, and no I haven't but how fucking hard could it be. Now, give me it."

"Hardin, I can do it! I have used one before, so let me." I yank it back towards me, and proceed to walk into the kitchen. I don't even get both my feet in before Hardin yanks me back.

"You are not going in there, Tessa. Give me the fucking fire extinguisher now. I'm not fucking around. You are pregnant, you really think I'm gonna let you go in there?" He yells, as the smoke alarm now starts blaring.

He's right. It's not just me anymore.

"Pull this pin, aim at the fire, and squeeze the handle." I hand him the extinguisher.

"Go wait outside." He tells me, but I shake my head.

"I am not leaving you in here. It's not that big, just put it out."

He scowls at me, but doesn't say anything as he steps into the kitchen. I hear the fire extinguisher go off, and white powder pours out into the hallway. I hear Hardin coughing, and once the white smoke clears, I run into the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" I run up to him, examining his body to make sure he wasn't burned or anything. I would really prefer neither of us to go to the hospital for the hundredth time this month.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He walks over to fish out the tray out Brussel sprouts I was cooking in the oven. I set the timer on my phone, which is buzzing by the counter. Thank goodness that didn't get burned. Our oven is completely burned out, but the damage doesn't look too bad. It must not have been burning for too long.

"Brussel sprouts are a little burnt." He laughs and tosses the tray of completely charred Brussel sprouts in the garbage.

"Ha ha." I walk over, and playfully shove him out of the way.

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