Chapter 56: Hardin

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I finally pull up at this shitty bar, and it's 11:45. Once I got off the bridge, there was surprisingly no traffic. It was some kind of fucking New Years miracle. I find a tight ass parking spot that takes me a couple tries to get into , but I somehow manage to fit my car into it. Miracles seem to keep happening as I find a few quarters on the floor in the backseat so I can pay this meter for about two hours.

This bar looks fucking packed, and since it's so close to New Years, I'm not that surprised. I walk up to the front door, but as I walk up, my continuous serge of miracles seems to end, because none other than fucking Trevor is walking out with his girlfriend. I try to avoid him, but he nearly collides into me.

"Oh, Hardin." He says as he looks up. His eyes widen, and I'm sure he isn't happy to see me.

"Trevor." I keep my eyes away from his. I don't want to have a conversation with him right now, especially since Tessa isn't here next to me. His girlfriend smiles at me, and I give her a small wave back to be polite.

"That's so funny, I just saw Tessa inside." He laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"Of course you fucking did." I whisper to myself.

"What?" He asks, but I just shake my head.


"Well, we're headed to go watch the ball drop. Tessa wished us luck, and I honestly think we're gonna need it." He laughs, and I just pretend like I actually give two shits about where he's going. As long as it's far away from this bar, I couldn't give a single fuck.

"I should go in, it's nearly midnight."

"Yeah, we should get going. See you around!" He waves, as well as his girlfriend.

See you around? Not fucking likely.

I walk up to the bouncer to go into the bar, but he holds his hand out to stop me.

"Sorry. We aren't letting people in anymore."

"What?" This has to be some joke.

"It's past 11:45. We stop letting people in."

"Can't I just go in?" He shakes his head, and takes his hand off my chest. He crosses his arms, and stares past me.

"Look, I just sat in god awful traffic for thirty minutes, and nearly crashed my car parking into a small ass spot to get here. I have people waiting in there for me..."

"Did you not hear what I said? No one's allowed in after 11:45. It's too crowded in there."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I throw my hands up in the air, walking back a little so I can have some space to call Tessa. Thankfully, she answers.

"Hey! Are you almost here? It's nearly midnight!"

"I'm in front of the bar, but the douchebag bouncer won't let me in."

"Really? Why not?"

"He just said he 'stopped' letting people in."

"I'll come out and say you're with me. One sec." She hangs up, and I walk back over to the asshole. He has this smug grin on, and I just want to knock it right off his not even pretty looking face. I don't know what the fuck he's even smirking at. He's a fucking bouncer at a shitty Manhattan bar, that's hardly anything to smirk about.

In the window, I see Tessa walking over to the front door, adjusting her dress to show more of her beautiful cleavage. What the fuck is she doing?

"Excuse me, sir?" Tessa taps the shoulder of the bouncer, keeping her foot in the door. He turns around quickly, and his eyes immediately go to her chest. "He's with me." She points back to me.

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