Chapter 1: Hardin

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"Friends and Family, we are gathered here today to share with Hardin and Tessa a very special moment in their lives. In the years they have been together, their love for each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife." The wedding officiant states. "If any person can show just cause to why they should not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Tessa and I both look out into the audience, waiting for someone to even dare to speak up.

"See, no ex-boyfriends or ex-friends here to object our marriage." I whisper to Tessa so only she can hear, and I see her visibly relax.

"Very well. Now, Hardin, repeat after me... I, Hardin Allen Scott..."

"I- Hardin Allen Scott..." I repeat.

"Take this woman to be my lawfully wedded wife..."

"Take this woman to be my lawfully wedded-" I am cut off by loud, blood curdling scream coming from the bathroom.

"Hardin!" The woman screams and cries out my name. When I rush over to the bathroom door, it's Tessa sitting on the floor in a pool of blood. She is clenching her stomach, her cheeks soaked in tears.

"Tess?" I say in confusion. I was just standing next to Tessa less than two seconds ago, but when I look back towards the main room, Tessa and all of our guests have disappeared.

"There's so much blood..." She cries, but for some reason I cannot move.

"I can't do this." I hear someone say from the kitchen, causing me to direct my attention there.

"Can't do what?" I hear a man who sounds just like me talk. When I look back over to Tessa on the bathroom floor, she has disappeared again.

"We can always try again-" I enter the kitchen, seeing myself and Tessa having the painful discussion we had the night we lost the baby.

"No, this... Us."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I looked so confused, and Tessa looked so overwhelmed by sadness.

"I can't have a baby, Hardin. I can't... disappoint you... anymore."

As I see myself walk over to a crying Tessa, I hear incoherent yelling from the bedroom. The sound becomes more clear when I approach to investigate.

"I need space. I need to think. I need to be alone." Tessa continues to pack a suitcase.

"Then let me leave, this is all my fault anyway." I watch myself panicking.


This was from the night she found out I stopped taking my medication. She was so hurt by my betrayal that she left me that night to stay at some hotel. 

Quickly, Tessa walks past me out of the bedroom, and I see myself running after her. It's weird watching myself from this omniscient point of view. I feel like a stranger watching my own reaction as Tessa takes off her ring.

"The man that lies, the man that harms his future, he isn't the man that I agreed to marry." She places her ring on to the kitchen counter and walks out the door.

"Fuck!" I see myself slam my hand on the kitchen counter and crumble to my knees.

"You aren't good enough for her, don't you see it?" Someone wraps their arm around my shoulder as I watch myself cry, and I can recognize those arm tattoos from anywhere.

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