Chapter 2: Tessa

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It's currently five minutes to 8 AM and the sun is shining brightly through the bedroom window. The last time I looked at the clock, it said 6 AM, so I have just been staring at the ceiling for the past two hours. My family is flying in today, as well as Hardin's mother and step father. Kim and her family flew in last night, and Noah and Shannon are coming by surprise! I wonder what Shannon had to do to get Noah to come to my wedding because there is no way he would've come by choice. My mind is just cluttered with thoughts. I can't stop thinking about my stupid vows, or should I say lack thereof. I am totally screwed if I don't come up with something, but I'm hoping Kim or Nora will help me tonight with them after the concert we're supposed to go to. I still don't know the band we are seeing, but Kim said it was a surprise. It can't be too big of a band since the concert is going to be held in a small bar.

Beside me, Hardin is sleeping peacefully, but his body is glowing in perspiration, and his mouth is set in a frown. Is the heat turned on too high?

"No!" Hardin's eyes suddenly fly open. He's gasping for air, which is a sure sign that he's having a panic attack.

"Hardin, what the heck! Are you okay?" I sit up beside him and begin stroking his cheek."Hardin, breathe."

Hardin can barely get out the words, "I can't... breathe..."

"Breathe baby, breathe." I continue to comfort him. "Can I get you anything? Water?"

"Just stay with me." He grabs my hand.

"It's okay... it was just a dream." I bring him close to my chest and slowly rub his back. I hear his breaths become more consistent and shallow.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah... it just a bad dream."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He shakes his head again.

"You sure? I haven't seen you have one of those dreams in a while."

"I'm fine, I just forgot to take my medication last night since we fell asleep so early."


"Yeah, so it's all good." He tells me, but I'm not sure I believe that everything is okay with him. Before I can call him out on it, my phone starts buzzing on the bedside table.

"That was just my alarm. We have to pick up your mom from the airport in a couple hours. I can just go if you aren't feeling well or want to sleep some more."

"No, I'm fine." He quickly assures me.

"Okay, I'll make breakfast. What would you like? And don't say whatever I'm having."

"Eggs and bacon, please." He smiles brightly at me.

"Of course." I lightly kiss his nose before running off to the kitchen.

I crack some eggs in a pan, and lay some bacon down on the other. My phone vibrates yet again, but this time it's Kim calling me.

"Tessa, hi!" Nora squeals into the phone.

"Hi..." I respond back with sleep laced in my voice.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"We just woke up."

"Oh, well I have a question. Is Hardin having a bachelor party? Landon wants to know."

"I'm not sure." I tell her, we never finished that conversation.

"Oh, well I think Landon wants to plan something for Hardin."

"Are you sure?" I don't remember Hardin being too enthusiastic about having a bachelor party.

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