Chapter 99: Tessa

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Complete and utter bullshit is all I heard coming from Stacy's mouth. She had the audacity to say I don't care for Hardin's career if I stand in the way of him promoting his book. Who the hell does she think she is? All I know is that she has my blood boiling, and by the way Hardin didn't say anything, I knew whose side he was on. I know Hardin is put in a tough situation right now, but I'm his wife for fucks sake. My appointment for therapy is in an hour, so I just hope Hardin wraps it up with Stacy soon.

While he talks with Stacy about whatever updated schedule he has that'll definitely limit my time with him even more, I go to the vending machine to get a chocolate bar. My hormones are causing me to crave chocolate terribly. It's like my period cravings are on steroids, so the huge Hershey's bar in the vending machine is looking very appetizing right now. Unfortunately, I left my bag in Hardin's office; my bag which had my wallet in it. Now all I can do is stare at the delicious chocolate bar mocking me through the clear barrier.

"Wow, did I just walk through a time machine?" A familiar voice sounds next to me. When I look up, I see Trevor walking towards me.

"Trevor!" I forgot that he still worked here. He's the head of finance or something like that.

"I never thought I would see you in a Vance establishment again." He extends his arms out for a hug. "Wow, you are very pregnant."

I laugh. "Yes I am."

"What are you doing here? Groveling for your job back?" He teases.

"Not this time. I'm here with Hardin." Wait a second. How haven't Hardin and Trevor seen each other?

"I rarely come on this floor, only when I want to get the good candy, so I had no idea Hardin even worked for Vance." He answers my question. "Why are you standing by a vending machine instead of his office?"

I'm wondering the same question. "I was hungry, but I forgot my purse inside Hardin's office." I look back at the Hershey's bar just calling my name.

"Oh, allow me. I was coming here to get a Snicker's bar, what can I get you?"

"Oh, you really don't have to." I say to be polite, but I know he'll ask again and that's when I'll give in.

"It's really fine."

"I'll just have a Hershey's bar, thank you." I smile admirably at Trevor as he punches in the numbers for Snickers and Hershey's.

"You're a lifesaver. I'm craving chocolate." I take a huge bite out of the bar. My taste buds are having a dance party on my tongue, and I feel my blood sugar rising even after just one bite.

"Chocolate just hits differently when you're starving." He takes a bite out of his own bar. "You're not you when you're hungry." He quotes the famous Snickers ad that they never stop playing on TV.

"Ha ha." I fake laugh. "It's really nice to see you again, Trevor. It's nice to see a familiar face around here."

"Likewise. I was actually going to call you soon to possibly meet up again. If Hardin's okay with that..."

"Hardin doesn't dictate who my friends are." I say a little more forcefully than I wanted to, but Trevor doesn't seem too thrown off by my outburst.

"Some things never change." He smiles that warm smile that only he can pull off. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something important-"

"Ms. Young." A female's voice calls my name from behind me, and it's none other than Stacy herself. "Could I speak with you for a moment?"

Stacy looks at Trevor for a moment with a cold expression. "Mr. Matthews..." Woah. They know each other?

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