Chapter 72: Hardin

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"So, what do you want to do today? I'm not sure when Mike is gonna be back to take us back to the hospital." Tessa says against my chest as she tightens her arms around my torso.

"I would say I've done everything I've wanted to do today..." I smirk, knowing that Tessa's about to scold me for mentioning the fact that we just had sex in my mum's house.

She raises her head and puts her chin on my chest. "Ugh. Of course you have." She rolls her eyes. "Is there anything else that you even enjoy?"

"No." I say quickly, which results in her picking up her head from my chest to sit up. "Well, I enjoy laying here with you." I pull her back down to me.

"So, sex and cuddling?"

"Sex, cuddling, kissing, hugging, anything involving you really."

I feel her smile against my chest. "If you enjoy anything that involves me, then why don't you take me on a tour of your beloved city? I didn't get to do any sightseeing the last time I was here."

"You want me to be your tour guide?"

"I mean, you did live here for a big portion of your life, so I feel like you would know it pretty well."

"If a tour of London is what you want, then a tour is what you shall get."

She sits up and claps her hands in excitement. "Yes! Let's go!" She runs around the room collecting her clothes before changing into them, all while I still lay on the warm bed. "Come on!"

I don't want to get out of the warmth of the bed, but I can't deny the warmth that fills my body looking at Tessa's excited face.

"We can't go far just in case anything happens."

"Yes, of course. How far is London from here?" She slides her shoes on.

"About a ten minute drive. We can catch a bus at a stop only a short walk from here."

"Perfect!" She begins to pull on my arm. "Come on! Before it gets dark!"

"Okay, okay." I allow her to pull me out of bed.

"I'm gonna call Mike to tell him what we're doing. You better be dressed by the time I come back in here." She points her finger at me in a threatening manner, but it just makes me laugh.

"Yes, ma'am."

Tessa grabs her phone off the bedside table before going into the hallway to call Mike. I feel better than I did about twenty minutes ago. I'm glad that I got most of the tension due to the bullshit call Tessa got about that Walter Shit guy out of my body through sex. He has some goddamned nerve pleading not guilty and making us go to fucking trial. This is the last thing that Tessa needs to be dealing with, but I'm relieved that they at least caught the bastard. If I see his face again, it will be the last time.

Thinking back to that horrible day and what Tessa said about how negative events happen in our lives that are out of our control makes my skin crawl. We have been put through these situations too many times, and we will continue to be put in situations like that as long as we are still breathing. This pregnancy with Tessa is a clear example of taking a huge risk, but hopefully it will be worth it with the birth of our daughter. Since it's a high risk pregnancy, there's always a chance that things can go wrong both with the baby and with Tessa. It's terrifying to think about, and I can't think about it for longer than a second without wanting to cry. I'm just going to enjoy the day with Tessa, showing her the area I once called home, and put all those worries on the back burner for now.

"Mike knows what we're doing, are you ready to go?" Tessa pops her head back in as I finish tying up my boots.

"Let's go."

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