Chapter 64: Tessa

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"So, what inspired you to write this story, Hardin?" The interviewer asked the boy who broke my heart as I threw yet another popcorn kernel at the TV. It had only been about a few months since I found out he was writing a fucking story about our entire relationship. I hadn't spoken to him since he gave me that final piece of paper of his story, but now that the book is out in the world for everyone to read, I didn't know if I would ever speak to him again. I still felt betrayed after everything he's done.

"Well, a lot of things actually. The change and growth I experienced in myself, my past trauma and how I dealt with it... but actually, the main thing that inspired me was her."

"I know fans of your story want to know how she's responding to this story. She must feel so honored that you wrote a story about her. Have you spoken to her?"

"I haven't, no. She isn't too thrilled that I wrote this story about us since I did so behind her back. She... she has every right not to want to speak with me, though I really wish she would."

"Damn right I have every right!" I exclaimed with a mouth full of popcorn.

"She's crazy if she doesn't. I can tell you care about her, and if she doesn't see that, then she's missing out." The interviewer showed sympathy towards Hardin, and it made me sick.

"I'll always be the one missing out. I'm going to be missing the other half of my soul until she comes back to me."

"Well, I hope she does."

"I hope so too. More than anything."

"Come on, Tessa! If you're watching this out there, take this man back!" My fucking least favorite talk show host ever yells into the camera.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do, Jessica Williams!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before throwing a few more pieces of popcorn at them.

"Woah, what's got you in a mood?" Landon came walking in from his bedroom. He plopped down next to me on the sofa.

"Well, congratulations again on your book again Mr. Hardin Scott. Make sure you check out After in bookstores and digital now! We'll be back with more Hardin Scott after the break." Jessica announced before the commercials came on.

"Great! Can't wait!" I sarcastically shouted as I chucked the entire bowl of popcorn at the TV .

'"Tessa! I just vacuumed!" Landon threw his hands in the air, obviously annoyed that I made a mess.

"I'll clean it up, sorry." I shoved my head into my hands. "I just can't stand seeing him on the fucking television talking about a book he wrote behind my back and published."

"What did he do this time?"

"He just keeps running his mouth about how he wants me to talk to him. Maybe he shouldn't have betrayed me like that, again!" I yelled now at Landon. "Shit, I'm sorry. I don't mean to yell at you."

"It's fine. Are you ever gonna talk to him? We both know that he's not gonna stop."

"He'll get tired of begging for my forgiveness and move on, just you wait."

"I don't think so, Tessa. Don't be mad I'm just being honest here, but you two are inevitable, remember?"

"What, Did Hardin call to tell you that?"

"No. I'm just stating the obvious."

"I didn't think you'd be on his side..." I remarked snidely.

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