Chapter 15: Hardin

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"Hardin, thank goodness you're okay!" Ken and Vance coming rushing into the room, sitting immediately at my bedside. I am thrown off by why they are here instead of Tessa.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Ken asks me.

"I feel fine, the pain killers have kicked in, so I'm feeling better..."

Ken nods, and I sense an extremely noticeable tension in the room.

"Trish." Ken stands up and greets my mother. Oh my god, this is so awkward.

"Hi Ken, how have you been?" My mum asks sweetly.

"I've been well, thanks." He smiles warmly. The last time my parents... Ken and my mum.... have been together in a room was Christmas six years ago when Tessa and I had just got back together, the first time. That was a nice Christmas, memorable because of the shiner I gave Ken.

"Christian..." My mum looks to Vance, who is avoiding eye contact.

"Trish... hello." He awkwardly states, and I can cut the tension with a goddamn knife. My mum, her ex husband and her former lover all together in one room.

"What a nice reunion." I sarcastically comment, getting a dirty look from my mum.

Vance's eyes automatically move to my mum's stomach and widen. My mum seems to notice, and nods to him.

"How far along are you?" He asks in utter shock.

Ken's eyes widen as well. I don't know how he didn't put the pieces together that she was pregnant. Her stomach is fucking huge, but if Ken taught me one thing it was to never ask a women if she's pregnant.

"Six months." She hugs her stomach.

"Well... congratulations. You and Mike must be very happy." Christian bows his head, and I sense a sad tone in his voice. My mum was the love of his life at one point, and even though he has found love with another woman, I think it's hard for him to see my mum with child again.

"Thank you. We are. How's Kimberly and your kids?"

My mum has some balls asking about Vance's wife, who she knows hates her guts.

"She's doing well. Grace is four and starting kindergarten soon, and Smith is going into sixth grade."

"Wow." My mum gulps. "I remember when Hardin was starting kindergarten, they really do grow up fast."

"Remember when he refused to leave your side once you tried to drop him off." Ken chimes in, mentioning a positive memory from when him and my mum were together. I gag.

"I do. Very stubborn this one." She walks over and nudges me. I look over to Vance, who is extremely uncomfortable. I would be too if the mother of my child was talking about moments from my child's youth that I never got to witness.

"Okay, that's enough." I'm uncomfortable with the environment created. My mum and Ken getting along is weird, and I don't like it.

"Still so stubborn." Vance shakes his head, and walks over.

"What?" My mum speaks up as she notices me staring all of them.

"I just don't think there has ever been a time in my 27 years of life that all three of you have been in the same room, alone."

They look around at one another.

"You're right." Ken nods.

"A lot of history here." Vance shrugs. "So yeah, we haven't been."

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