Chapter 43: Hardin

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"Which one do you think would look better?" Tessa holds up two different pattern fabrics. One has faint lines, and the other has some kind of sparkle.

"You're really asking me?"

"Oh come on, help a girl out." She shakes fabrics in front of my face.

"Uhhh... this one." I tug on the one with faint lines. "Why are you even asking me to help you pick out fabrics for Noah's wedding? Just because we're married now doesn't mean I'll help you plan your ex's wedding." I kind of tease her, but I'm also dead serious.

"It's just fabrics for the tablecloths. Don't need to be all moody." She rolls her eyes, and walks down the wedding isle. "Oh, should we get one of these?" She holds up a huge frame made to hold a marriage certificate. Ours is currently sitting on our kitchen counter, so maybe it's the best idea to get something to put it in.

"Yeah, sure." I tell her as I grab the frame from her hands.

"We should get another one for our wedding photos, I think Mike is going to send them to me today."

"Okay." I nearly drop the frames as Tessa keeps stacking them on my hands.

"Oh one more..." She smiles devilishly. "For our prenup." I nearly drop the frames on the floor. "Hardin, I was kidding."

"It's not funny." I roll my eyes, and walk away from her. I thought we settled this conversation two nights ago, but apparently not.

"Hardin..." She walks behind me, but I keep walking. Suddenly, she grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"What!" I say a little bit louder than I wanted to.

She takes a step back, obviously thrown off by my harsh tone. "Why are you so against getting one?"

"We don't need one, Tessa."

"You don't know that, Hardin! If I have learned anything in my life, it's to always be prepared for when something happens."

I can't take her mentioning this anymore. "You know what? You're really pissing me off right now, so let's just finish shopping."

"Fine, but this conversation isn't over." She walks past me to the checkout counter. I don't know why she is so fucking mad at me for. I'm the one who gets to be mad here, not her.

"Do you have your card?" She turns to me, and I give her my wallet. She pays for the frame, telling me she'll pay me back, and heads out to the car.

"Keys." She holds her hand out, but I shake my head.

"I'll drive." I step past her to the driver's seat. She huffs before getting into the passengers seat.

"I don't even see why you're mad..." Tessa starts the argument once fucking again.

"Why the fuck do you keep restarting the argument, just fucking drop it!" I put the key in the ignition and turn.

"It's not restarting it, Hardin! It's something serious to consider-"

"Why the fuck is it serious to consider!? What are you trying to tell me, Tessa?"

"Nothing!" She yells back.

"Obviously it's something!"

"Just start the fucking car!" She throws her hands in the air.

"I am! But answer my fucking question, why won't you drop it!?"

"Because if I lose this baby, we're done, Hardin! I haven't changed my fucking mind about it, so we should sign a goddamn prenup!"


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