Chapter 38: Hardin

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I say goodbye to my family, to my mum and Mike, Ken and Karen, Smith, Kim and Christian, Luke and Kaci... too many people to even name. My social battery is so drained, so by the time I say goodbye to the last person, I just want to curl up in bed and go to sleep. Tessa puts a lot more effort into this, making sure everyone is properly thanked and hugged. I admire how she can keep up this bubbly personality for so long. I can barely even fake a smile now.

"So newlyweds, anything fun planned for the honeymoon?" Josie asks once everyone else leaves.

"I think we're planning on going to Europe." Tessa answers.

"Oh, fun! I have never been, but I heard it's beautiful. Do you ever want to go back to England, Hardin?"

"No." I state plainly.

"Tessa, have you ever been to England?" Josie asks. Why does she have to bring England up?

"Yeah..." She sighs, and I want to yell at Josie for putting Tessa in a sad mood.

"Did you like it? I heard London is lovely! A lot of old architecture, plus the bars are great. Drinking age is lower, so I used to beg my parents to let me go, but they never agreed."

"It was nice, I guess."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about it, Tess. Have a bad experience?"

"Can you just drop it!" I raise my voice. I'm not in the mood to go over the horrible experience Tessa had for her first time in England because of me.

"Hardin..." Tessa places her hand on my arm.

"Still a snippy as ever, I see." Josie says and my heart drops.

"What?" Tessa questions her.

"Oh, I just meant Hardin hasn't lost his rudeness."

Oh my god. I never told Tessa about me and Josie. I hope Josie doesn't tell her right now, but Tessa picks up on stuff very quickly.

"How did you know Hardin was rude to begin with?" Tessa questions Josie, and I can just tell she's gonna expose what happened. Fuck!

"Oh please, Hardin Scott was known as an asshole all around WCU. But at least he's good in bed right?" She giggles, but Tessa doesn't giggle back. Shit shit shit shit!

"What do you mean?" Tessa looks confusingly at Josie, without glancing at me.

"Hardin didn't..." Josie glares at me, and I know I am totally fucked.

"Hardin didn't what?" Tessa glares at me as well.

"He told me he would tell you, so I'm just gonna do it. Back when I was in high school, I went to a WCU party, and yours truly was there. We hooked up."

"You what!" Her eyes widen. "You slept with Hardin?"

I am completely speechless. I have no clue what the fuck to say, but I am terrified.

"Well, we didn't sleep together. I um... did other stuff, but it was before he even knew you!"

"Is that true? You fucking slept with my best friend from high school and didn't think to tell me?" Tessa turns towards me with fury.

"I... uhhh."

"I don't even want to hear it." She puts her hand up to stop my talking. "You..." She points her finger at Josie. "Get out. Get the fuck out of my house."


"Tessa, come on. It was years ago..." Josie defends herself.

"You did god knows what with my fucking husband, and you have the nerve to show up here and congratulate us! This was probably all bullshit!" She is flinging her arms around. I didn't expect her anger to be towards Josie. I expected it to be towards me for keeping such a secret.

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