Chapter 51: Tessa

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"Looks like we made it just in time." Hardin laughs as he helps me out of the Uber. The delivery driver was driving right in front of us.

"Mr. Scott?" The delivery girl walks up with a bright smile.

"Yeah, that's me." He reaches into his back pocket to grab his wallet.

"That'll be 37.52." She hands him the bag, not even looking at me as I walk up next to him.

Hardin hands her a fifty, telling her to keep the change. Shit, that's a large tip.

"Oh my gosh." Her eyes widen. "Thank... thank you." She stutters, blushing dramatically. " Umm... have a nice night!" She smiles, batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah, you too." I say a little more forcefully, grabbing the food from Hardin, and guiding him back into the house. Can I ever meet a girl who doesn't fucking try to flirt with Hardin? Can we have a female delivery driver who doesn't bat her eyelashes and blush whenever he speaks?

Once we get inside, I take my shoes off, and throw the food on the counter. Hardin begins taking out the food while I gather silverware.

"Is it possible for any female not to drool at the sight of you?" I say with my back turned towards him.

I can't see his face, but I can  hear him chuckle from behind me. "Yeah, that would be nice."

I spin around quickly to catch his bright smile. "You should just shave your head, or grow a mustache, or..." I try to think of things that would make Hardin less attractive. Some people can, but I'm not sure he could rock a bald head or a mustache.

"You would still love me if I was bald?" He laughs.

"Of course. I will love you no matter what you look like, though the hair is a big bonus. Especially when I can do this." I reach over and lightly tug at the ends of his curls. They are so soft between my fingers, I cannot imagine Hardin not having them.

"Okay, let's go get the razor then." He begins to walk away from me, but I grab his arm quickly to stop him.

"No, don't!"

"Hmmm... that's what I thought." He walks back, grabbing the container of fried rice he got.

"Seriously though! You would think having a ring on your goddamn finger would stop it, but I guess it doesn't." I say with a mouthful of noodles.

"How the fuck do you think I feel with every single asshole in New York City staring at you every ten seconds."

I shrug because I guess he's right. "Here's to being two insanely hot individuals who happened to be married to each other." I raise my fork with a piece of chicken on it, and he clinks it with mine before taking the chicken fresh off my fork into his mouth.

"Hardin! You know I hate when you take my food!" I yank my fork out of his mouth.

"That's really fucking good." He mumbles as he chews the piece of chicken made to go into my mouth.

"Always putting your mouth where it doesn't belong..." I shake my head towards him, trying to hide my smile.

I know I shouldn't be teasing him considering the day I had today, but I want to play this little teasing game just for fun.

"Oh really? And just where does my mouth belong?" He licks his lips seductively.

"In your own food." I smile shyly before moving to sit on the couch. Hardin chuckles behind me, sitting next to me.

"It's so cold out." I wrap the blanket around me. New York winters are beautiful and honestly my favorite time of the year, but the weather gets so cold... It gives Washington a run for its money. "We should have a fire! I don't think we've ever used our fireplace since we've gotten this place." I suggest.

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