Chapter 98: Hardin

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"Tessa!" I shout into the hallway as I tie my shoes in our bedroom. It's Wednesday, which means she's coming with me to work today before we leave on Friday to go to Washington. I've been working from home ever since Sunday, but today's the day I go back to work in person. Tessa has a therapy appointment at 3:30, so she'll only be spending a few hours with me. I can tell she's excited though. It's all she's been talking about.

"Tess!" I shout once more when I grab my jacket. I never thought she would ever want to see me work since it's pretty fucking boring for an outsider's perspective. The day consists of reading and editing and scheduling, even boring for someone like me. I know for a fact I wouldn't be interested in going to Tessa's job if she had to be somewhere in person. When she worked at Vance it was different because she had the same job I had, but now that she's in event planning, I have no interest in the career. I love her, but I don't want to subject myself to that.

"Theresa! We need to leave!" I walk out into the hallway to find Tessa sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hand.

"I've been ready for twenty minutes, babe." She stands up, grabs the keys off the hook and throws them to me. "Now come on, you don't want to be late." She opens up the front door for me. Her sarcasm never ceases to amaze me. As I walk passed her, she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before closing the door behind her.

"Are you excited for work today?" Tessa cheered.

"I think you're more excited than I am." I take note of her legs shaking and fingers tapping away at her thighs.

"You're probably right. I've just never seen you in work mode in all of the years we've been together."

"You've been to my events and press before..."

"It's not the same thing. I do miss going to your press events, they were fun!"

Fun wouldn't be the word used to describe a dozen interviewers asking me boring questions about my book, but Tessa definitely made it more interesting. For the press conferences she did come to, they always asked questions about After since she was the woman I was writing about. I was scared they would say something offensive or rude to her, and at multiple times they did, but she always answered them with class. I remember one instance when I had a rather rude interviewer, but Tessa handled him like a professional.

"I won't be going to many of them this time around since you'll be having a baby within the next three months."

Tessa directs her attention back out the window. "Yep."

"Welcome to my work." I hold open the door for her to the huge glass building right in the heart of New York City.

"I've been to Vance Publishing, Hardin." She laughs as she walks through the familiar lobby. I hand the guy at security my ID, and he scans me in.

"Mr. Scott." He greets me.

"Hello. I have a visitor with me today, my wife-"

"Tessa? Is that you?" The security guard looks up from his computer at Tessa. Does he recognize her? She didn't even work here.

"Hi Arthur. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. I see you've married the goofball." He looks at me. "No offense."

Tessa giggles once more at his joke. "Yes, I did. Tell your wife I say hello."

"Very well." He buzzes us through.

"How do you know Arthur?" I immediately query Tessa.

"He transferred from the Seattle branch. I had no idea he worked here. I wonder if anyone else transferred as Vance expanded to New York." I fucking hope not.

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