Chapter 26: Hardin

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I lied, yet again. Why can't I stop doing it? Am I addicted? Is it like a drug? When will I ever learn not to? Apparently, not today. When I told Tessa to go get my paper shredder from my office, I used that opportunity to switch the papers. The paper with the the true identity of my father is now sitting in my bedside table. My mind is so conflicted. I want to know who my real father is, yet at the same time, I don't want to face the reality. I have come to terms that Vance is my real father, but I can't help the small part of me that still believes Ken is, and once I see the results on the paper, I won't have to speculate any longer. I just don't think I can do it now, definitely not before both of them come over for Christmas dinner.

I collect myself and go out into the main room. Tessa's mum, sister and stepfather are the first to arrive, and she is showing her ring to them.

"Hardin!" Heather comes running over. "Tessa told me that she gave you my painting! Did you like it?" The enthusiasm in this girl astounds me.

"Yeah, I did. You are very talented." I compliment her, and she blushes.

"Thank you! I love the ring you got Tessa too!" She smiles so brightly. Even though they are not related in any way, Heather reminds me a lot of Tessa. Her bright spirit, and even brighter smile remind me of my soon to be wife.

"Thank you."

"Hi Hardin. How are you feeling?" Carol and David come walking over.

"I'm okay. The surgery went well, so now I am just healing."

"I'm sorry you two couldn't get married yesterday, but Tessa tells me that tomorrow you will be?"

"That's the plan, if one of us can stay out of the hospital for longer than a week." Tessa teases as she wraps her arm around my side.

"Yes... the sooner the better." Carol smiles, but it doesn't seem genuine. Her eyes are getting glassy, and it almost looks like she's about to cry.

"Excuse me." She walks quickly off.

"That was weird." I whisper to Tessa as she looks at her mother walking down the hallway. David goes to follow her down the hallway, but Tessa extends her arm out to stop him.

"I'll go." She offers, and follows her mother to the bathroom.

"Hardin, dear. Could you get me some soda from the cabinet? It's on the top shelf, and I can't reach." My mum comes walking in.

"I am not supposed to be stretching, Mum." I tell her, and she slaps her head.

"Of course, duh! I'll go find Mike."

"I'll do it." David offers, and my mum gives him an appreciative smile.

"Thank you." She walks off with David, leaving me alone with Tessa's stepsister.

"Is Smith coming?" She asks, sounding a little nervous.

"Yeah, he should be here soon."

"Good." She sits down on the couch, and begins twiddling her thumbs. She is more like Tessa than I even thought. I can read her emotions like a book.

"Smith is very fond of you." I tell her to help my little brother out. I know he likes her, and from the way she's acting now, I can tell the feeling is mutual.

"Really? He's fond of me?"

"Yeah. I think so."

She smiles as the doorbell rings again. I go to open it, nearly tripping over the rug we have in front of our door. It's Ken, Karen and Abby along with Nora, Landon, and their daughter.

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