Chapter 91: Tessa

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"We made it home just in time!" Landon claps as we walk into the house just as it begins to start snowing. We kick the snow off of our shoes and shake out our jackets covered in snow.

"Thanks for hanging out with me. I don't want to sound needy or anything-"

"Enough!" He shouts over me. Woah. "It's fine, Tessa! Please stop acting like you wanting to spend some time with people you care about is such a big deal. It's not. It's normal."

Landon is right, as always. I need to stop thinking that me asking for Hardin to spend more time with me is this huge request. The man works insanely long hours, and him putting his job before me isn't okay anymore.

"I know something that'll make you feel better. One second." Landon excuses himself to get something that's supposedly supposed to make me 'feel better.' Unless it's a shortened work schedule for Hardin, or Stacy's ass away from Hardin, I don't know what he could possibly be getting me.

Landon walks back in, and in his arms is his daughter. Addy was in the back of the car the whole time sleeping, but now she's awake. She's grown so much so quickly. I can't believe Addy was born nearly a year ago in May. My daughter is also due in May, so that's very exciting.

Addy is babbling now. I don't understand at all what she's saying, but it's adorable. Landon holds out Addy for me to take. Before I can even grab ahold of her, she yanks on my hair, causing me to yelp.

"Sorry about that!" Landon apologizes. "She loves to grab hair."

"It's alright." I turn Addy so she's facing me on my lap, and I bounce her up and down. My mother used to do this with me when I was a baby. She would sing a song too, but I'm not going to embarrass myself and sing it in front of Landon. She giggles as I gently bounce her on my legs.

"I'm going to make some dinner. What do you want?"

"Whatever you have is fine. I didn't eat much today besides eggs for breakfast and some small appetizers."

"I'll make some spaghetti with meatballs." He pulls out the ingredients. I pick up Addy from my legs and follow Landon into the kitchen.

"Let me help." I insist.

"You can help by keeping her occupied until Nora hopefully comes home."

"The weather hasn't really let up has it..." I look out the window, and it's still snowing heavily. The chances of Hardin being trapped at this book event are growing and almost guaranteed at this point.

"It's supposed to slow down a little later."

"Good. I'll be in the other room if you need me."

I accept the task of occupying his child while her father cooks dinner. I sit back down on the couch and place her on my legs again. Since Landon is so occupied, I decide to quietly sing the old song my mother used to sing to me.

"Horsey horsey, don't you stop. Horsey, horsey, loves to trot. Up the mountain, down the street , Horsey horsey can't be beat, When horsey horsey reaches the end, he stops-" I stop bouncing her and gently tilt her over my knee so her back is perpendicular to the ground. "and starts to trot again." Her laugh fills the room.

"Is everything okay in there?" Landon yells from the kitchen.

"Everything is fine!" I respond back.

I continue to play this little game with her, as well as some peek-a-boo. She has the most adorable laugh I've ever heard. I can't help but smile when I hear it. I take out my phone and take a video of Addy and me in this moment. I'm singing 'This Little Piggy' with her and I am so tempted to send it to Hardin, even though I'm upset with him. I see I have a few missed calls from him, but I'm not in the mood to speak with him right now, but you know what? I'm going to send the video anyway. I'll show this man what he's missing out on. Just as I'm about to send the cute video, Landon walks back in.

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