Chapter 9: Tessa

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I have no idea where Kim is taking Nora and me, but she just gave Nora an address that I don't recognize. All I know is that it's a 'bar' that a live band is playing at.

"Won't you tell me who we're seeing?" I pester Kim to spill.

"Not yet, you'll see!"

I know it's not gonna be anyone huge or anything, but I'm still curious. Speaking of curiosity, I wonder how Landon is doing with Hardin. I mean, I don't think he has called to tell us Hardin kicked him out, so maybe Hardin agreed to do something fun. I really hope so, he deserves a fun night out with Landon.

"Has Landon texted you?" I ask Nora.

"I'm not sure, let me check." She feels around her pantsuit pockets. "Can you check my bag to see if my phone is in there?"

I pick up Nora's clutch, but I don't feel her phone inside."It's not in here."

"Shit! I must've left my phone back in Kim's room!" She slams her head against the headrest.

Well, there goes that.

"He's probably fine. He would've called Tessa if something was up, right?" Kim chimes in.

"Yeah, right." I reach for my phone in my bag, but don't feel it either.

"No way." I laugh at my stupidity. "I forgot my phone too! We both set it down on the bed before we left, and I forgot to pick it up."

"Well, you ladies are lucky I never leave without my phone. Here, check to see if Hardin or someone called. I don't think Landon has my number." Kim hands me her purse as she continues to apply lipstick while Nora is driving. She's quite brave to do that.

I grab Kim's phone out of her purse, and she has a notification from Christian. He sent a photo of Smith and Grace eating ice cream.

"Nope, just Christian sent a photo." I show her the photo, and she smiles.

"Aw, cute! Well, everything is probably fine."

We pull up to the Lookout, and it's extremely crowded. Why am I not surprised? When is anything empty in New York City?

"Wow, this place is so crowded! I didn't think it would be since Christmas is only two days away." Nora drives down the block to a parking garage.

"Wow, it's cold." Kim steps out of the car and wraps her arms around her body.

"Kim, you didn't bring a jacket? It's December!"

"I know, I forgot to grab it on the way out."

I shake my head. "Wow, we are all such a mess." I open up the trunk and pull out a thick wool coat. "It's Hardin's. It might be a little big, but it should do."

"Thanks." She puts it on, and it's huge on her small frame. I can tell she doesn't like it since it's cramping her style.

I don't think Hardin would be happy with Kim wearing his coat, he's weird like that. I don't think Hardin has let anyone besides me wear a coat of his, and that thought makes me feel warm inside, but also makes me want to take it off of her. I want to be the only one besides him wearing his jackets.

"Here. This goes better with your outfit anyway." I take off my jacket and hand it to her. She smiles slightly.

"Thanks, you don't have too."

"It's fine."

Kim and I switch coats, and I feel so much better in Hardin's jacket. I inhale the scent, and laugh at the amount of crap in his pockets.

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