Chapter 37: Hardin

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"Okay, everyone come in for cake!" Nora yells from the kitchen. Everyone gathers around our kitchen counter. Tessa grabs my hand, and drags me to the head of the counter as Nora hands Tessa a knife for us to cut the cake.

"Here, let's cut it together." She places the knife in my hand, and together we attempt to cut a piece of cake. Nora went all fucking out with this cake, and I assume Karen helped as well. It's chocolate cake with chocolate icing and raspberry filling.

"Are we supposed to share a slice?" I ask her, and she giggles at my stupidity.

"You want a whole one for yourself?"

I roll my eyes and grab the plate from her, taking a bite.

"Hardin! We're supposed to feed it to each other!" She tries to grab the fork out of my mouth.

"Shit, sorry." I say with a mouth full of cake. See, I already fucked it up. I place the fork back in the cake, and scoop up some cake for Tessa to eat. She opens her mouth wide, and I place the cake into her mouth. She moans in appreciation, and I can't help the blood that goes straight to my dick.

Tessa reaches over, and grabs the fork from my hand and takes a big glob of cake. I open my mouth for her to feed it to me, but instead, she smashes the cake into my nose and all over my mouth. Her laugh fills the room, and everyone joins her.

"Oops!" She smiles. My mouth is open in shook, but I smile in response to her playful behavior. She looks scared as I grab her waist and pull her close to me, kissing her and smearing all the cake that's on my face onto hers .

"Hardin! No!" She tries to squirm away, but I don't let her.

"Sorry!" I say against her lips, but she gives me a small peck after.

Kim hands us both paper towels, but I take removing the cake from Tessa's face into my own hands. I begin to slowly lick around her face, but before I can get much off, she pushes me away. I almost forgot that we have an audience watching us right now.

"Later." I whisper, and she nods.

"I got a whole bunch of pictures." Mike says as we wipe our faces off.

"Thanks again, Mike!" Tessa smiles.

"Well, should they do first dances?" Nora asks. "I can connect my phone to a speaker."

"Sure." Tessa looks to me, and I nod shyly.

"Mother-son dance first!" Nora announces as we all head to the main room, and my heart drops. I don't like dancing in front of people, and I've pretty much only have done it with Tessa.

My mum walks towards the middle of the floor, and I follow her. She places her hand on my shoulder, and the other in my hand. She has tears in her eyes as I look at her.

"Oh sweetheart, I am so happy for you." She says with a quiet voice.

"Thanks, Mum."

"You are my whole world. Seeing you happy and in love is all I have ever wanted for you." She wipes a tear away from her eye, and I feel something in my stomach. I feel a burning sensation travel up my body towards my eyes. Am I about to cry right now?

I feel bad for my mum, I really do. She has been through so much, and really did try to be there for me as much as she could be. I was probably the worst child I could've ever been for her, and she still tried. Yes she wasn't perfect, and yes she made mistakes, but don't we all?

"Mum... I'm sorry." I say to her, trying not to sound emotional.

"For what?"

"Just for everything. The way I was when I was young, how I treated you and others... I'm really sorry."

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