Chapter 80: Hardin

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I've gotten at least ten 'where are you' texts from Stacy within the last twenty minutes. I am going seventy down the fucking highway to make sure I only get there ten minutes late instead of twenty. Her constant texting is not fucking helping.

I finally get there only eight minutes late and sprint up five flights of stairs to Stacy's office. Her door is open when I get up there.

"Eight minutes, Scott. Eight. Minutes." She looks at her watch and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my keys."

She rolls her eyes as if she doesn't believe me. "Come. Sit." She extends her arm and shows me to one of the three chairs sitting in front of her desk.

"Now that the editing of your book is nearly done, we need to discuss your schedule and next book tour. Plus, we need to find sponsors to support your book release."

"What were you thinking?" I ask the expert herself.

"I'm glad you asked." She smiles. "I was thinking of possibly asking James Hendrick at Hendrick Publishing House down in Midtown to co-sponsor your book release along with Vance Publishing. He also specializes in works of non fiction and is a credible man."

"That sounds like a plan to me."

"Great. I'll be sure to let him know so we can set up a meeting with him. Now, the book tour should begin in late May early June for a September release."

Fuck. "Yeah, that doesn't work."

"Why not?"

"My wife is pregnant and she's due in four months, so I don't see how I can do any type of book tour."

"What if we delay it a few months? Start in July, then have a December release?"

"I don't know... I can't leave her alone for two months."

"Your baby would be a few months old, I'm sure she could manage. Doesn't she understand that you need to go on tours as part of your job? It's important that we do this, Hardin."

God she is pissing me the hell off right now. "Nothing is more important than being with my wife and my newborn child, Stacy! How could you even say that!?"

"I didn't mean it that way." She looks at me frustrated. "I understand that you want to be there for Tessa and your child, but I don't see how this book release can be successful without all the press that goes with it. You're putting me in quite a predicament here."

"I know. I'm sorry for yelling like that. It's just a stressful time right now. I'm kind of on edge." I admit.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She closes her book, and crosses her arms on her desk. The last thing I want to do is discuss what's going on with my publicist, but maybe I can use this to my advantage.

"My mum... she nearly died a month ago, and she lost my future sibling. I'm still shaken up."

"I'm sorry, Hardin."

"That's why having this time is so important. Plus, I plan on speaking with Vance in about two weeks since I'm going back to Washington."

"Very well. Talk to Christian about press and see what he has to say about it." She finally concedes. I let out a sigh of relief because I know Vance will be more lenient towards me doing less press. Stacy's phone rings, interrupting my internal celebration.

"Stacy Peterson speaking... yes... okay."

Well that was fast.

"You're needed upstairs with Jan."

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