Chapter 44: Tessa

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"Baby, what is it?" Hardin lifts my chin up so my eyes meet his. Lucy just fucking pisses me off to such a great extent. For some reason, she gets under my skin, and she knows exactly what to say to get under my skin.

"I didn't mean to get that angry at her, and she was totally over exaggerating the entire arm thing. I swear I didn't even hold it that hard, she just makes me so fucking mad."

"I know." I look up at him, slowly questioning whether or not I should ask this question. I know it's not true, but why would the wicked bitch of the west bring it up in front of him.

"I'm going to ask you this once, and I want you to be honest with me. I won't be mad since it was in the past, but I need to know the truth. Even though I could never ever imagine you doing this to me... did you ever touch her?"

"Touch her? No. I would never touch a woman in any way. You should know that." Hardin panics in defending himself, but he completely misread my question.

"No, I meant touch like... romantically or sexually." I feel so silly asking this, and I know it's what Lucy wants, but I just need to know at this point.

Hardin laughs before answering. "You're kidding me right?"

I look away from his piercing eyes that just make me feel like a dumb ass even asking this question.

"Hey what- did she say we did?" He bends down a little to speak to me. I open my mouth to speak, but I can't find the words. "No, of course not. How could you even think that?"

"I don't. I really didn't, but I-" Ugh. I just wish I never asked the question. Hardin looks beyond me to where Lucy is directing Pablo in loading our car onto the truck. Quickly, he walks past me to Lucy, and I chase after him.

"Hey! What the fuck did you say to Tessa? I never once touched you, nor did I even think about it."

"Woah, why don't you lower your voice." Lucy steps closer to the both of us, but Hardin steps back.

"Don't fucking tell me to lower my voice. Stop spewing lies and shit to her. Tell her that I never did anything."

"Hardin, I-"

"Tell her!!" Hardin yells so loud that it gets the attention of everyone in the parking lot. "I'm not gonna ask again." He says at a much lower volume.

"Okay. We never did anything." She rolls her eyes, looking at me.

"I'm not gonna tell you again to keep your mouth fucking shut, and your pathetic existence as far away from us as possible. Focus on your own shitty life, and stop trying to ruin the lives of others that might be happy." Hardin goes off, and I usually don't condone him to speak this way, but it's towards Lucy. "I am fucking happy, for once. I'm sorry that your life didn't go the way you wanted it to, but try to destroy my relationship again, and it'll be the last thing you do. Goodbye Lucy." He says with such finality, and Lucy is left speechless. He walks past me back to where our Uber is to pick us up.

As I turn around to follow Hardin, Lucy grabs my arm. "You two deserve each other." She says with malice.

"Now that's the first true thing you've said all day." I turn back around. "Oh, and thanks for the in vitro advice, but I'm actually pregnant. Have a nice day." I smile at her before walking back. I love having the last word.

Hardin is standing at the door of the Uber, holding it open for me. We both climb into the back, and watch as Lucy becomes a non-existent dot the further we drive away.

I should still be angry at Hardin, but I'm more proud of how he stuck up for me, for us. I know he's expecting me to yell at him, but instead I hold my hand up. He looks up at it, obviously confused.

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