Chapter 86: Hardin

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"This thing is so much more complicated than I thought it would be!" I huffed as I struggled to turn on the new laptop Tessa got me. The laptop I had before was super old, so it didn't have all of these new and confusing features that this newer laptop has. I mean, who the fuck needs a touch screen bar on their keyboard? My huge, fat finger can barely make it work. "Why isn't it turning on!"

In a swift motion, Tessa appears behind me, reaches over my shoulder and holds down the power button.

"I already tried-" I clam my mouth shut as the screen lights up with the Apple symbol. I have been clicking on the power button for the last twenty minutes. "What the... how did you..."

"What would you do without me." She gloats and sits back down across from me with her coffee in hand. In doing so, she spills her coffee all over the table as she sets it down. I manage to jump up and grab all her papers before the coffee ruins them.

"More like what would you do without me." I shake her papers in the air that are only dry because of my quick thinking.

"Ugh... touché." Tessa runs to grab napkins to quickly clean up the mess.

"Who even writes on paper anymore? I swear, even my Gammy took notes on a computer." I look at the papers filled with Tessa's handwriting when something catches my eye.

"Wait, Hardin. Don't!" She shouts.

My eyes continue to glide along the page, attempting to read every word she has written in her messy handwriting. Before I can read more than a few words, Tessa yanks the papers out of my hands and straightens them out using the side of the table.

"What is that?" I investiage.

"I didn't want you to read it."

"Why not?"

"I didn't want you to read it yet." She emphasizes.

"Why not?" I ask again with a bolder tone.

"Because it's not ready for you to see yet."

"What did you even write? You yanked it out of my hands before I could read enough of it." I hold my hand out. "Let me see it."


"What are you keeping from me?" I keep my hand held out for the paper.

"Nothing! I was just researching some things. It's really nothing for you to worry about."

"I know you, Theresa. I know when you don't want me to know something. Now please, can I see it?"

She hesitates for a moment, contemplating in her mind whether or not to give into my demand.

"If you say it's nothing I should worry about, then let me see it."

Tessa's being a hypocrite yet again. If it were me keeping stuff from her, she would beg and plead for me to spill the beans. Eventually with a big sigh, Tessa hands me the papers and sits down next to me. Her handwriting isn't usually this messy, but I swear it looks worse than mine. I can make out a few words... and numbers.

The paper Tessa gave me is filled with what looks like are addresses.This is odd, even for Tessa.

"Why do you have a page filled with different addresses?"

I begin to make out the location of these addresses. Westchester. New Paltz. Schenectady. Albany. Wait, aren't Landon and Nora moving to Albany?

"Why are you looking at places further north?"

"Well, with Nora and Landon moving, and with our family expanding-"

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