Chapter 82: Hardin

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After such a long day of working and stressing the fuck out over my phone, I'm finally doing what I would like to be doing on my birthday. Tessa's kisses down my neck are rushed, proving that she wants this too.

"Take me back to France." She mutters against my neck, and my mind is inundated with memories of the amazing sex we had nearly every day of our short honeymoon. "I miss having you all to myself."

"I miss giving myself to you." I respond back weakly. I would pay all the money in the world to spend the rest of my life in that hotel room, especially in that jacuzzi.

"I like this dress." I lift up one of the straps on the dress Tessa's wearing. She can't fit into her usual dresses, so this must have been one she just got recently. Tessa's boobs have grown more in size than her stomach, so she got new dresses mainly because her chest couldn't fit in her old ones.

Her lips disconnect from mine. "None of my clothes fit me anymore, so I finally went to a maternity store. Actually, I got a few more things from that shopping trip as well."

"Good." I try to rejoin our lips, but she pulls back.

"Hold on." She hastily rises from my lap and sprints into the kitchen, leaving me alone with a hard on in the main room.

"Wait! Come back!" I call to her, but she ignores me. "I was happy with the way things are going!"

I hear her rummaging through the drawers searching carefully for something I wonder what she's looking for from the kitchen. After a minute or so, she skips back in with her hands behind her back. She straddles my lap once more, and reveals a dish towel.

"Why did you grab a dirty dish towel?" I ask.

"It is not dirty! Close your eyes." She starts to tie the dish towel around my eyes, blocking my vision completely.

"Are you blindfolding me?"

"Wow Sherlock, you sure do catch on fast." She cracks up, obviously proud of her smart ass remark. I haven't been blindfolded in a while, but it definitely turns up the sexual heat. There's something about only being able to feel her, not see her, that amplifies the experience. "I have something I want to show you, but I don't want you to peak."

She grabs my hand and leads me through the house. I only know where she leads me to when she sits me down on our bed. "Don't move." She instructs, causing the hairs on my arm to stand.

"I'm going to give you two options. A or B."

"For what?"

"Just say A or B."

"Tessa, how am I supposed to choose when I don't know the context of this decision? Can you tell me?"

"No!" She yelps. "That would ruin all the fun, now answer."

"Fine. Um.... B."

"Good choice."

I sit for what feels like hours, but I know it's only about five minutes. I have an idea of what's going to happen, since it happens every year, but I've never been blindfolded for it so I'm not sure. The anticipation though is fucking killing me.

"Okay." I hear Tessa announce close to my face. "I'm going to give you another set of options. Blindfold on or off... for now."

No matter how much I want to take the blindfold off, I am more intrigued to learn what Tessa wants do with the blindfold on. "On."

"Another interesting choice, Mr. Scott. A choice I think you would prefer." She grabs my pointer finger and places it on her body. I'm not quite sure where I'm touching until I can feel her nose and cheekbones. She's making me trace her face. Suddenly, my finger feels warm and moist. Her tongue does laps around my finger, sucking gently and even biting it with her teeth. She repeats the same sucking with each of the fingers on both of my hands. After she takes my pinky out of her mouth, she slowly glides my hands down her neck to her chest. I can feel that she's wearing a bra with a significant amount of lace and padding. Her breasts feel so full in my hands, and the sound she makes when I give them a squeeze nearly sends me over the edge. Fuck, I can't see her yet she's so damn sexy.

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