Chapter 67: Tessa

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"Thanking fucking goodness, we made it." Hardin collapses in a seat as they board the class before us.

"Yes, we did. I'm gonna use the bathroom before we board." I quickly walk to the bathroom, holding my mouth. I feel my breakfast coming up from running all that way as a pregnant woman. That probably wasn't the best choice. Just like I thought I was going to, I begin throwing up in the toilet, expelling everything I have eaten in the last twenty four hours. My body is fucking exhausted, and it just doesn't seem to want to stop vomiting. My head is pounding, and my hands are shaky. This is gonna be a long ass flight.

Even though I feel like shit, I hope it'll pass as my blood stops pumping so hard, and my heart stops beating so fast. I wipe the makeup that's accumulated under my eyes due to sweat, and wash the taste of vomit out of my mouth with water before I join Hardin in the waiting area.

"They're boarding our class now." He walks over to tell me. He immediately notices my tired state. "You good?" He grabs onto my arms to keep me up.

"Just tired from all that running. Probably wasn't the best idea for a woman who's five months pregnant to sprint like that."

"Shit. I didn't even think about that. Are you okay to fly?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"Why don't you go sit down, and I'll signal for you to come over." Hardin suggests, and I nod. I walk back over to the seat to sit down when my phone begins to vibrate. It's Mike again.

"Mike! Any news?" I answer immediately.

"Trish is awake and conscious which is great news. She's super woozy, so I haven't had an actual conversation with her, but things seem to be improving from here."

"That's great to hear. Hardin and I are just about to board our plane."

"Oh, I'll leave you to that. See you soon, Tessa."

"Yes, see you soon."

I lean back against the chair and stare at my pregnant belly. My heart rate isn't nearly as fast as it was before, but it isn't normal by any means.

"Sorry sweetie, didn't mean to put you through that back there." I whisper to my stomach as I hold it. Just then, in that very moment, I feel something move inside of me. "Oh my god." This is the first time that I'm ever experiencing the sensation a baby moving inside me.

"Tess!" Hardin shouts, and I see him standing now at the front of the line. I slowly get up and ignore the rush that goes straight to my head. Hardin reaches his hand out and wraps his arm around my waist to support me, taking my backpack off and putting on his shoulder so he could get a better grip.

"I'm fine." I remove his tight grip, and just hold his hand.

"You're sure? Don't think that because my mum is in the hospital that you shouldn't worry me if something is happening with you."

"Well, something is happening with me." I tell him, and his face pales. Shit, that probably sounded bad.

"No, nothing bad. I just felt the baby move inside of me, and I think I felt a kick. I'm not sure, but our baby girl is quite active in there."

"You sure it wasn't the breakfast burrito you had this morning?" Hardin teases, and I'm relieved to see he's loosened up.

"No! It was the baby. It was such a strange feeling, like I can't even describe it."

"That's normal right?" Hardin asks nervously as we continue down the tarmac.

"Yes, it is. It's actually supposed to happen, so it's a promising sign."

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