Chapter 10: Tessa

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"Holy shit, this place is packed!" Nora says as she tries to find a parking spot. "Where the hell am I supposed to park?"

"There's one!" Kim points to probably the tightest parking spot ever that would require Nora to parallel park.

"Kim, that's nearly impossible-" I begin to say, but Nora pulls up in front of the spot and somehow maneuvers the car perfectly into the spot.

"What the hell?" I am impressed. I could never and will never parallel park in New York City. In fact, I think the last time I parallel parked was my drivers test when I was sixteen.

"Damn girl." Kim is also impressed by Nora's parking skills.

"When you live in the city for a long time, you learn how to parallel park into tight spaces."

"I still refuse to park in parallel spots. I either find a parking garage or make Hardin do it."

"Well Tessa, you're not the best driver. Remember when you crashed into your mailbox while backing out of your-" Nora laughs.

"Hey! Isn't this supposed to be a night about celebrating me, not about calling out my shitty driving skills..." I interrupt.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry." Nora holds her hands up as we get in line to get into this club.

"Oh! You're getting married!" Some random girl who is wearing way too much makeup sees my sash and makes a comment.


"Wow! How exciting! Lu, look at her sash! If you don't get me this for when I get married, we aren't gonna be friends anymore." She turns to her friend, who looks me up and down, but doesn't say anything. Okay, that was rude.

"And the tiara too! So cute!" She touches my tiara, and I try to step away. I can tell she obviously pregamed before coming, so she's already pretty intoxicated.

"Oh look, we're up!" Kim pulls on my arm.

"ID's ladies." He holds his hand out, and I can tell Kim is so flattered.

"Wow, he really thinks we're underage. And to think all of us practically have kids!"

We hand the bouncer our ID's and he lets us in, giving Kim an extra long stare at her ass as she walks past him.

"Christian isn't gonna like that." I jokingly scold her.

"Oh please, you know how many women hit on him on a daily basis. He's handsome, successful, rich... he's like a fucking chick magnet. No guys ever flirt with me anymore, Tessa! I'm gonna be a grandma in a few months, so let me have my moment!"

Wait. I didn't even connect that Kim is gonna be my step mother in law.

"Oh my god. You're gonna be the step grandmother of my child." That's crazy. One of my best friends is practically my mother-in-law.

"Yeah, let's not talk about it!" She changes the subject quickly. "So, I think the band is gonna start soon. I'm gonna get everyone drinks. Tessa, club soda I assume, and Nora?"

"I'll just have a cosmo please."

"Okay, brb!" Kim quickly rushes off, and I lose sight of her in the crowd. I love that even though she is gonna be a grandmother by name, she still talks like she's in high school by saying things like 'brb'.

Nora and I find a table with three stools and sit down. I look around this packed club and feel pretty old. Kim is in her forties, Nora is in her thirties, and I'm in my late twenties. I feel like a fucking grandma surrounded by these young twenty one years olds dancing at the club.

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