Chapter 32: Tessa

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Today's the day. The day Hardin and my relationship becomes legal in the state of New York. I won't have to testify against him in court, I would be considered immediate family if he's ever in the hospital, and I'd call him my husband. As I sit here at the kitchen counter of Nora's house, I remember how much I wanted this once, how much I wanted commitment with him. Then, it just flipped like a switch. What he did to me in England really opened my eyes to how volatile Hardin was, and I just couldn't imagine ever marrying him after that. Especially since I found out my parents were never married too. Now, here I am, about to marry my best friend, the love of my life, and my soulmate.

"Good morning, bride!" Nora comes downstairs into the kitchen, freshly showered.

"Hey." I sit at her kitchen counter, and continue to drink my decaf coffee.

"How are you feeling!? Today is actually the day!"

"I feel good. I'm ready for this." I tell her, more convincing myself than her.

"It's okay to be nervous, Tessa."

"It's not that I'm nervous, I just don't want things between us to change. That's what always happens. Marriage is a big step; I just don't want it to overwhelm Hardin and cause issues between us."

"I was worried with Landon too, that things would change between us because we were getting married so quickly and so young, but you and Hardin are soulmates. There is nothing you and him can't get through."

She's right, I know she is. "Thanks, Nora."

"Well, I think we are heading over to Kim's in about two hours to do your hair and makeup, also she has your dress. I can't wait to see how amazing you look once you have everything done!"

Nora and I talk about how I want my hair and makeup done for another twenty minutes before Landon eventually comes downstairs, carrying his daughter.

"Hey, Tessa! Today's the big day!"

"Yep." I smile back. "Are you heading over to my house?"

"Well, someone has to help Hardin, so I guess I'm gonna be the one to do it." He shrugs, and I am so grateful for Landon and that he was able to develop such a strong relationship with his stepbrother.


"How is she?" Nora walks over to her daughter, touching her cheeks with the tip of her finger.

"She was a little fussy this morning, but I think she's okay now."

"That's good." She smiles down at her daughter.

"How are you doing? With the pregnancy and everything?" Landon asks.

"You know, most of the time I forget that I'm pregnant. I mean, I can't even tell. Besides the vomiting." I honestly say. "Hardin and I are going to an appointment sometime next week, so we'll see, but I feel good. My morning sickness has mostly gone away, so I guess that's a good sign."

"I can definitely tell." She walks over to me, pointing at my belly. "Doesn't that shirt feel a little tight?"

"Not really." It's one of Hardin's loose black shirts, so I wouldn't expect it to be too tight on me.

"Well, I notice it, and you're glowing."

"What time are you two heading over to Kim's hotel?" Landon interjects.

"Probably around noon, so in about two hours."

"Okay, I'll probably leave around the same time to go force Hardin into a suit with a tie."

"Good luck." I smile at him.

My nerves are eating me alive, and even though I am really excited to marry Hardin, I can't help the pit in my stomach that I'm feeling. It'll go away, it has to.

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