Chapter 25: Tessa

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"Oh, Tessa! You look lovely." Trish smiles at me as I walk into the main room. She is sitting on the couch reading one of my bridal magazines.

"Thank you, so do you!" I smile back.

"I can see your little bump now too." She walks over and places her hand on my stomach. "I cannot believe you are really pregnant!"

"Me neither." I tell her as I move to sit down on the couch next to her. With the dress I have on you can definitely see a little bump now. Hardin and I have an appointment in about a week or so, I have to call to confirm the date.

"Such an exciting time for the both of you! I'm so excited for you to be a grandmother, even though I won't be able to see this little one so much since I live in another country."

"Yeah..." I don't know how to respond to that. I feel bad that Trish is going to miss out on a lot of things since she lives in England, but there isn't much I can do about it.

"It's alright though, with social media and technology, I'll be able to see everything."

"Of course." I agree with her. "Oh, I have to get everything ready." I quickly rush over and begin taking out our nice china. There are a lot of us, so thank goodness someone gave us this nice china set way back when as a housewarming gift. Hardin got this table that expands to cover nearly our entire main room, so we can't set the table just yet. Our oven still works, thank god, so I am able to put some hors d'oeuvres in the oven.

"Let me just..." I hear Trish say in the other room.

"No, Mum. Get off." I hear Hardin say after.

When I walk back in the main room, Hardin is pushing his mother's hands away from his hair. I'm glad Hardin got it cut shorter than it was before, but not too short. If he doesn't brush or style it, it looks like a rats nest on the top of his head.

"Tessa, can you fix his hair? He's refusing to let me do it."

"I'm not a fucking baby! I don't need my hair fixed."

I walk over after looking at Trish's eyes, pleading with me.

"Don't you want to look nice for Christmas?" I begin touching his wet hair, smoothing it back, and he lets me. I'm internally happy that I'm the only one that he'll let touch his hair, and fix him up. Hardin looks me up and down, biting his lip and I blush.

"There." I say once I'm finished, and Trish thanks me.

"You look beautiful." Hardin grabs my waist as I begin to walk away from him. Trish wisely leaves us alone in the main room.

"You don't look too shabby yourself. Thank you for wearing the dress shirt." I was scared he wasn't going to put on the outfit I laid out for him, but he looks so fucking hot in a collared black shirt tucked in black slacks. It's such a contrast to his usual attire, not color wise, but style wise.

"Only for you." He smiles as I try to de wrinkle the shirt by smoothing it down with my hands.

"Shit, I should've ironed this before. Here, take it off." It didn't look that wrinkled on the hanger, but on his body I can tell that it's wrinkled. Any normal person wouldn't care, but I'm not normal when it comes to things like this.

"Tess, come on." He whines as I tug at his shirt.

"It'll take five minutes. Please." I pout at him, and he kisses my bottom lip. I begin unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his tattooed torso that I love so much.

"How are you feeling, pain wise?" I ask him as I take his shirt over to the iron board stored in our laundry room. He follows me.

"I feel fine. It's a little sore if I raise my arms, or if something touches it."

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