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friday, december 28

basically all we did yesterday was spend the day at my dads and opened presents and shit.

today we decided to all go get lunch. it's 11:30 so i start getting ready. once i'm ready, i go to vallyk's room but i don't see him.

i hear crying coming from the bathroom so i run over to the door. i slowly open it and see him sitting on the floor balling.

i shut the door then sit down next to him and wrap my arms around him. he leans on me and continues to just cry.

"hey what's wrong?" i ask him.

"why?" he asks.

"why what?" i ask.

"why would she do that?" he asks.

"i don't know, vallyk. i really don't," i say, "if i could go back and tell you not to get with her or just do anything to get you out of the relationship, i promise you i would."

"i know you would. why do you even care so much?" he says and i sigh.

"whether i wanna be or not, i'm still in love with you and there's no denying that. i care about you more than you know and it hurts me to see that you're hurting this badly," i explain to him.

"why aren't you hurting as much as i am? you got cheated on you too. not that i want you to hurt, because of course i don't, i just mean how come i'm taking this so much harder than you are?" he asks.

"i knew what you meant. and i don't know. i guess i'm just used to getting hurt. and you're new to all the heartbreak and everything. you've never had to go through it before now," i say.

"not true. i went through it with you," he says and my chest tightens.

"did you take that this badly?" i ask.

"actually, i took that so much worse. if i'm being honest, i still cry about it sometimes." he says.

"why?" i ask.

"because i'm still in love with you too," he says.

"then why'd you get with brianna?" i ask, "you didn't wanna get back with me?"

"i got with her to get over you because i wanted to get back with you. i didn't think you still wanted to be with me so i didn't try. thinking about it now, i really regret not trying. like really really regret it," he admits.

"but brianna still hurt you this much?" i ask.

"yeah because i've never been cheated on. i didn't even like her that much. she was hella annoying. but she was lying to me the whole time. i really thought she liked me and even though i didn't like her like that, i trusted her. that's why it hurt me so much," he explains.

"yeah.. i know how you feel," i say, "and just because i don't show it, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."

"i know," he says.

"if you were in love with me still before you and bri got together, then why didn't you talk to me? like i know you didn't think i liked you like that anymore, but why didn't you just try?" i ask.

"if you were still in love with me then why'd you get with jaylen?" he asks and i sigh.

"it didn't even start out that way," i admit, "it started with y'all kissing at that party at the beginning of the year and me getting jealous."

"for real?" he asks, "i didn't even wanna kiss her. i didn't push her off though because i wanted to see if it would make you jealous."

"well obviously it worked," i say, "when i saw y'all kissing, i kissed jaylen."

"yeah i know. i saw. i wanted to punch him when i saw him grab your ass," he says and i laugh and so does he.

"i'm sorry," i say.

"for what?" he asks. he looks up at me before looking back down.

"for everything i've ever done to hurt you. for breaking up with you, for dating jaylen, for anything else..." i say.

"you never hurt me on purpose," he says.

"i know. i just should've talked to you first probably," i say. 

"yeah you probably should've," he says and i laugh. he looks up at me and stares into my eyes.

he looks at my lips before looking back up at my eyes and then slowly starts leaning in. i lean in too until our lips meet.

he places one hand on the side of my face and i do the same as we deepen the kiss a little and finally pull away after a few seconds.

"i missed that so much, you have no idea," he says and i smile.

"me too," i say.

"do you think we could try us over?" he asks.

"yeah but not yet. we both just got out of relationships and i know you're hurting. we both need to time to heal, but i am willing to try again," i say.

"when?" he asks.

"let's give it a couple months," i say.

"okay," he says. he kisses me again before getting off the floor and then reaching to help me up.

we leave the room and then go downstairs to the living room. we walk in to see ayiana and lillian arguing and kairi trying to stop them. oh god. i knew this was gonna happen.

"hey what's going on?" i ask.

"i want her out of my house!" lillian yells.

"trust me, i would leave if i could," ayiana says.

"then why don't you leave?" lillian asks.

"you think i got enough money to buy a hotel to stay at until january 6th? and i don't have a flight back," ayiana says.

"then book one," lillian says.

"yo chill. look you gave us a place to stay. i understand you might not want her here, or even me, but you could at least try to work with it," kairi says, "just ignore each other."

"how am i supposed to ignore her if she's shoving the fact that y'all are together right in my face?" lillian says.

"you jealous?" kairi asks, "because there's no reason you should be this mad over that."

"i never wanted to fucking break up with you kai. of course i'm jealous," lillian yells and ayiana pushes her into the wall.

"aye chill out guys," i say as i walk over to them.

a/n : drama yay

merry christmas (yes ik it's already over but still)

what y'all get for christmas ?

i got airpods , led lights , a ps4 , nike air max 270's , kyrie flytraps , clothes , gift cards , and some more little stuff

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