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i'm not actually hating the kiss, so when he starts to pull me to a room, i don't resist.

when we get to the room, he shuts and locks the door and brings me over to the bed. he pushes me down and you know what happens next.


i couldn't really walk so jaylen helped me get my clothes and shoes back on and then carried me downstairs on his back.

he brings me over to the couch where angel and kobe still are and sets me down in between them.

considering that they haven't moved since the last time i've seen them but their eyes are bloodshot, i assume they've been smoking. plus it smells like weed. but the whole place does so.

i lean my head on kobe's shoulder and angel just stares at me blankly. he can obviously tell what happened.

"did y'all do what i think y'all did?" angel asks me.

"i don't know, what do you think we did?" i say.

"don't play dumb, ari," kobe says.

"okay maybe we did but-" i say but angel cuts me off.

"but why?" angel asks, "i thought you were trying to-"

"because i saw him kissing brianna," i say, "i got jealous so i kissed jaylen and one thing led to another and we went upstairs. but it wasn't bad though, i actually liked it."

"what if vallyk didn't kiss her and she kissed him?" kobe asks.

"well then he didn't push her off. plus i need to get over him. we're obviously not getting back together," i say.

"how do you know if you haven't even-" angel starts to say but i cut him off again.

"no because you just told me on monday that he was probably tryna gain my trust back or whatever the hell you said, but him going and doing that with brianna and letting her be all over him, does not get my trust back whatsoever," i argue.

"no i said that could be what's going on," he says.

"well obviously it's not what he's doing," i say.

"look, ari. i know bri personally. she's a very manipulative person. i know what she's capable of and she's 1,000% capable of making people believe something that's not true. knowing her and how she gets when she wants to be with someone, she most likely told him a rumor about you and another guy so he wanted to make you jealous," angel explains.

"how would she even know we had a thing anyways?" i ask, "did you tell her?"

"i swear i did not tell her. i'm not that type of person. but like i said, she manipulative and extremely determined to get what she wants, so she probably got him to admit it," angel says.

"i don't know her as well, but by what i've heard from other people, angel's telling the truth," kobe adds.

"so what? i don't even care. i'm gonna move on," i say.

"ari, we all know you're not moving on any time soon. you're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about," kobe says.

"i agree with kobe. you might be using jaylen as a distraction, but that doesn't change anything about your feelings towards vallyk," angel says.

"how do you already know so much about me? i just met you like not even a week ago," i say to angel.

"because i'm good at reading people," angel says.

"ayee i remember you. you're the girl that got me kicked outta universal," someone says as they walk over to the couch.

i look at him and recognize him. the guy that was bothering me while vallyk was in the bathroom at universal. i forgot his name.

"you know him?" kobe asks and i shake my head no.

"no. well kinda. when i went on a date with vallyk, he took me to universal and while vallyk was in the bathroom, this guy came up to me and was tryna get with me and shit. when security asked me if he was bothering me, i said yes, and they got him away from me," i explain.

"i forgive you tho babygirl. it's all cool," the universal guy says, "just because we had a little misunderstanding doesn't mean i'm not gonna try and shoot my shot."

"you already missed," i say.

"come on baby. get your fine ass up and lemme give you what you want," tony says.

"she's not a damn object," angel says.

"tony, just leave. she obviously doesn't want you over here, so just go away," kobe says.

"oh fuck off kobe. she knows she wants me," i guess tony says. now that kobe says his name, that does sound right.

"please go away," i say.

"nah i'm good," tony says.

"aye man she said go away," kairi says as he walks over to us with jaylen, derek, mike, trent, sora, lonnie, mattia, alvaro, alejandro, vallyk, and mateo following him. uh oh.

"whats yo short ass gonna do, huh?" tony says basically towering over him and alvaro comes and sits next to me on the couch.

"i may not be able to do anything but they're able to," kairi says as he points at everyone behind him.

tony calls his boys over and jordan, sora, lonnie, mattia, alejandro, and kairi sit on the couch next to me while angel and kobe get up and go over to everyone else.

"just leave so we can drop it," vallyk says.

"ah it's you again," tony says, "looks like you couldn't please your girl enough to hang on to her."

as soon as those words leave tony's mouth, vallyk punches him making him fall to the ground. wow.

tony and vallyk start fighting and his boys and my friends get involved so now it's like a whole thing with 16 boys fighting while the whole house is surrounding around them.

"EVERYONE BREAK IT UP!" the owner of the house yells. he's a college student, but i wouldn't want anyone fighting in my house either.

me and everyone who was with me on the couch pulled our friends who were fighting away from the fight and tony and his boys leave the house.

"y'all didn't have to fight for me," i say.

"yes we did. he shouldn't have talked to you like that. or anyone like that," mateo says.

"doesn't mean y'all had to fight for me. i could've handled it," i say.

"no you couldn't have," derek says, "you know you couldn't have. we all do."

"okay maybe i couldn't have. but angel and kobe could've," i say.

"just shut up. you're welcome for helping you," mike says.

"sorry sorry, thank you," i say.

we all sit down and drink a little more and smoke and then finally go back to the dorms around 4 am.

a/n : i decided not to do smut , imma save that for vallyk.

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