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wednesday, december 26

christmas was really fun. we just opened gifts and my mom and mr cosentino even got jaylen and ayiana gifts.

today i'm leaving to go to my dads. i've been here since the 14th and i'll be there until the 6th.

the big news that my mom and mr cosentino told us the day after we got here was that they are now engaged and are getting married this coming summer.

i am obviously very happy for them and everything but i wasn't upset in any way since i love both kairi and maiya. and mr cosentino is a great guy.

i just finished packing all of my stuff up and so did jaylen, kairi, and ayiana. once we all have our things together, we all go downstairs.

"mama, we're ready to go," i say.

"ohh i'm gonna miss you so much. do you have to leave?" she says as she hugs me.

"unfortunately yeah," i say.

"mm be safe okay," she says as she kisses my cheek.

"i will mama. i'll see you on spring break," i say as i walk towards mr cosentino. i hug him and maiya and then my mom and them hug everyone else and then we leave.

we get in the car and start driving away.

"you think your dad will like me?" jaylen asks.

"yeah of course. stop worrying baby," i say.

"what if he doesn't want us there?" ayiana asks.

"well then we'll stay somewhere else. but y'all need to meet him sooner or later," i say.

"why do i have to meet him?" ayiana asks.

"because whenever ari stayed with her dad, i would stay with her too to see my girlfriend at the time. he's basically like my second dad and i miss him so i wanna see him too," kairi explains.

we keep driving and it takes forever considering the fact we stopped like 4 times. once we finally get there i start getting nervous again.

"alright, y'all ready?" kairi asks and we all say no at the same time making all four of us laugh.

"come on," i say. we all get out of the car and go up to the door. i knock and jackson opens it.

"yooo what are y'all doing here?" he asks as he hugs me and then kairi. he lets us in and then my dad walks out into the living room.

"ari?" my dad says.

"surprise!" i say. i run over to him and he immediately hugs me.

"what are you doing here? i thought you weren't coming," my dad says.

"we wanted surprise you," i say. kairi walks over and hugs him as well and then we both hug rachel.

"dad, rachel, jackson, this is my boyfriend jaylen and kairi's girlfriend ayiana," i say, "jaylen and ayiana, this is my dad, my stepmom, and my stepbrother."

they all shake each other's hands and kinda get to know each other.

"my room still here?" i ask.

"actually jackson and mateo's other brother came to live with us so he's using your old room," my dad tells me.

"oh uh okay that's fine," i say, "i'll ask lils if we can stay with her." i go out on the porch and call lillian.

l : "oh my god ari it's been forever"
a : "i know i miss you so much"
l : "me too"
a : "so i'm actually home right now"
l : "wait really?"
a : "yep and i'm here with kairi, my boyfriend, and kairi's girlfriend"
l : "ayiana? you know that'll be hella awkward"
a : "yeah but we don't have anywhere to stay. my room is taken now"
l : "i can ask my mom if y'all can stay with us"
a : "perfect, thank you"
l : "no problem, love you"
a : "love you too, bye"
l : "bye"

i go back inside and find kairi, jaylen, ayiana, mateo, and jackson in jackson and mateo's room.

i hug mateo since i haven't seen him yet and then i sit down with everyone else. i look at my phone since i got a message.

lils 🦋
she said yes !

ari 🌚
thank youu

"so i found somewhere to stay," i say.

"lemme guess, lillians house?" kairi says.

"yep," i say.

"ari-" kairi says but i cut him off.

"yeah i know," i say.

"who's lillian?" ayiana asks. oh god.

"one of my best friends," i say.

"also my ex girlfriend," kairi says and ayiana looks at him and takes his arm off of her shoulders and leans off the wall she was sitting against.

"so we're gonna be staying in the same house as your ex girlfriend until january 6th?" ayiana asks.

"yeah," kairi says, "look i swear i don't have feelings for her anymore. and i'll stay away from her. unless we wanna spend hundreds of dollars on a hotel room, then this is our only option."

"fine," she says as she crosses her arms and leans back against the wall.

i hear the doorbell ring so i get up from where i was sitting and i go downstairs to get it. when i open the door i see the last person i expected to see.

"vallyk? what are you doing here?" i ask. he doesn't say anything and i look at his eyes and it looks like he's been crying.

i let him inside since it's cold outside and i shut the door behind us. he immediately just hugs me and cries into my shoulder.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" i ask.

"she ch-cheated," was all he said.

"w-what? with who? when?" i ask. he's crying too much to say anything so i let him calm down first and then we sit on the couch.

"she's been hooking up with this guy off and on for about a month now. i figured out yesterday from ahiella and she only figured out a day before she told me," he says, "ahiella also told me who it was with..."

"who is it?" i ask.

"i'm not supposed to say anything but i'm gonna tell you for your sake. it's jaylen," he says and my face goes completely straight.

"vallyk if you're messing with me then stop," i say as my voice begins to crack.

"ari, you know i would never lie to you. especially not in the state i'm in right now," he says.

"so he's actually cheating on me?" i ask.

"yeah but that's not all..." he says.

"what do you mean?" i ask.

"he's cheating on you with 2 girls. one being bri, the other being ayiana," jaylen says.

a/n : yeahh i added drama now. you're welcome 🌚 and <that is my new favorite emoji :)

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