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three weeks later (sorry for time skip)

vallyk's getting hella clingy which i think is adorable but also annoying at the same time. like yes- he cares, but he keeps getting paranoid about kairi so he always wants to be on the phone and shit.

he's paranoid because i spend so much time with him. but he's literally most likely gonna end up being my stepbrother so that would be gross if we liked each other. plus he's dating my best friend.

right now i'm the only one home. my mom and kairi's dad are at work, kairi is with the boys and i'll be going over there with them later, and maiya is at her friends house.

i get a facetime call from vallyk so of course i answer it and i smile when i do and he smiles too.

"hey bub," i say.

"hey angel. we only have three more weeeeeks," he says making me smile again.

"i know! i'm so excited!" i say.

"where's kairi?" he asks.

"oh he's at mattia's house, i'm going over there in a little bit," i say.

"isn't their friend group like a whole bunch of boys?" he says.

"yeah but don't worry. i'm not around them enough for them to like me or for me to like them, kairi's pretty much my stepbrother, and you're the only one i want. i'm only going over there because kai invited me. there's gonna be other girls anyway. uh i think this girl named vic that mattia's dating and katie, this girl alejandro is talking to," i explain.

(a/n : i know ale and katie aren't a thing anymore but i still ship them so i'm using them lmao)

"okay call me if anything happens, okay? when are you leaving?" he asks.

"in like an hour or two. ooh help me pick my outfit!" i say and he smiles.

i walk to my closet and i look at what i have. i pick out a few shirt options and a few pants options and lay them out on my bed for him to choose from.

he ends up picking a basic pair of black sweatpants and a baby blue crop top. i put it on and then go fix my hair and get all the way ready.

"baby i'll call you back after i'm home, okay?" i say.

"okay, text me when you're there, i just wanna make sure you're safe," he says.

"i will don't worry," i say.

"alright angel, i'll talk to you later," he says. i smile before hanging up and grabbing my things and leaving.

once i get to mattia's house, i knock on the door and i hear footsteps racing to the door. kairi opens the door and gianluca slaps him. gianluca is mattia's brother.

"i wanted to open it!" gianluca says.

"and i got to it first, now go away," he says. he's always messed with gianluca like that because their families are close.

gianluca goes to his room and i follow kairi to mattia's room in the basement. i sit on the bed next to kairi who was in the middle of me and alejandro.

vic and katie get here but they talk to mattia and alejandro so i just get on my phone because kairi is playing the game with robert, roshaun, and alvaro.

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