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(a/n : okay so i just realized that kairi lives in jersey so how is he in massachusetts with lillian? so just pretend from now on that whenever ariana goes to massachusetts, her parents take kairi too and kairi stays with a friend there whenever ariana is up there. and when she goes home, kairi goes with her. just pretend please lmao :) )

the next day

i wake up and see that jordan is already awake and on her phone. she's smiling and texting someone.

"who is that?" i ask.

"his name is sora," she says.

(a/n : if you don't know who it is look up either @skyyjade , @blasian2.0 , or @69sorasimms on tiktok or @sora.simmons on insta. i picked him bc the person i used for jordan (luciana sanchez) knows him in real life)

"ooh what does he look like?" i ask as i lean over to see her phone screen. she goes to instagram and finds his profile.

"ooh y'all would be cute," i say.

"we're just friends. we don't like each other like that," she says. i push her shoulder softly.

"sure," i say. i get out of bed and start looking for clothes while still talking to jay.

"so where does he live?" i ask.

"he lives like literally a mile away from your house," she says. my eyes go wide and i look at her.

"how come i never heard about him before? have y'all hung out? how'd y'all meet?" i start asking.

"chill. i met him at school in like 7th grade but we didn't become friends until right before school let out last year. we've hung out at school but not outside of it. and i don't know. i guess i just forgot to tell you," she explains.

"i wanna meet him," i say. jordan laughs.

"yeah nice try ari. how about no?" she says.

"whyyy?" i ask.

"because then you're gonna interrogate him and do the whole boyfriend talk thing and i don't even like him like that!" she explains.

"if i promise not to bombard him can i meet him?" i say.

"i'll think about it. anyways have you met any guys yet?" she asks. i start putting on my clothes while still talking.

"well i downloaded that meet app and got my group chat. i got put it one with four boys. and i mean vallyk's kinda cute i guess," i say as i sit on my bed.

"ooh who's vallyk?" she asks.

"i told you. guy in the group chat. but that doesn't mean i like him. i've barely known him for more than 24 hours," i say. just then my phone buzzes so i go pick it up.

notification : meet

would you like to open 'meet'?

yes | no

would you like to open dysfunctional 😤?

yes | no

would you like to open a private chat with baby face 😃?

yes | no

baby face 😃

baby face 😃
good morning, did you make it home safe last night?

angel 😇
yes! thank you for checking in :)

baby face 😃
no problem, have a good day! :)

angel 😇
thx you too!

would you like to close 'meet'?

yes | no

app successfully closed

"was that vallyk? because you got a huge ass smile on your face," jordan laughs.

"shut up jay. and yes," i say.

"what'd he say that made you so happy?" she asks.

"he was just making sure i made it home safe and told me to have a good day. that's all," i say.

"that's all? girl he obviously cares about you," she says.

"like i said, i just started talking to him. i don't really know him very well," i say.

"maybe y'all can start talking more?" she suggests.

"yeah i guess," i say, "that reminds me. i need to talk to you about college."

"okay, what is it?" she asks.

"so i was talking to the boys and they said they were all applying for ucla and i talked to lillian and she wants to go to ucla too because kairi's going there and i kinda wanna go there and so would you maybe be okay with going there? you would get to meet the boys and kairi. you would get to meet vallyk," i say with a smile.

"what about berkeley? did we just completely forget about that?" she says. oh lord, please don't get mad.

"jay, if we go to ucla, then we can get both volleyball scholarships and academic scholarships. plus ucla is less money!" i explain.

"okay but berkeley is where we've been planning to go since we were in middle school. you're gonna throw away our whole plan over some dumb boys?" she says.

"no! jordan, i've been thinking about it and i really would rather go to ucla than berkeley anyways," i say.

"but my parents. you know they want me at berkeley," she says.

"don't let your parents control your life. if you let them control you, you're gonna be dependent on them forever and you can't let that happen. unless you wanna be living in their basement when you're 35," i tell her.

"i mean you have a point, but-" she stops herself from continuing. obviously she ran out of reasons to argue.

"exactly. so you okay with going to ucla?" i ask. she nods her head. i smile and hug her.

"thank you," i say.

"you're welcome," she says, "you wanna meet sora now?"

"yes!" i jump off my bed and put some shoes on and she gets ready as well. she texts sora to meet us at chick fil a and we get in my car and drive to chick fil a as well.

yes, i have a different car at both my parents houses. both my parents have a lot of money.

we finally get there and go inside and sora gets there almost immediately after considering he lives really close to me. he sits down with us after hugging jordan.

"i'm ariana. but you can call me ari," i say with a smile.

"hey ari, i'm sora," he says. oh i know. oh wait i have an idea.

"so what college do you plan on going to?" i ask him. jordan kicks my shin from under the table (were across from each other) and i mumble "ow" before looking back at sora.

"uh ucla," he says.

"perfect," i say as i look over at jordan who's smiling.

a/n : sooo uh imma do a little time skip next chapter. it's only gonna be like a month.

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