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"he's cheating on you with 2 girls. one being bri, the other being ayiana," vallyk says.

"what? so both of us are- you know what. it's fine. i'll talk to kairi. thanks for telling me," i say as i start to get off the couch but he pulls me back down and hugs me.

i start breaking down as soon as his arms are around me. i tried to not cry but it was too hard. i keep crying as he plays with my hair.

"you sure you don't want me to talk to him?" he asks.

"no i'm okay. i got it," i say. i go upstairs and go back in the room with vallyk following me.

"baby were you crying?" jaylen asks as we walks over to me. he tries to hug me but i move away from him.


"don't." i say, cutting jaylen off.

"what did i do?" he asks playing dumb.

"what did you do? vallyk told me what happened. 2 girls? really?" i say.

"baby i can explain!" he says.

"don't baby me. there's no excuses. you've been cheating on me for a month now with 2 different girls," i say starting to yell a little.

"can we at least not have this conversation in front of everyone?" he says.

"they're gonna know eventually anyways so why don't they hear what you have to say," i say.

"ariana-" he says but i cut him off.

"i wasted three months on a guy that spent one third of that time having sex with other girls. think about the way that makes me feel. think about how you would feel if i was doing that to you," i say.

"ari, please-" jaylen says but i cut him off again.

"unless you have a really good explanation on why you would cheat on me, then save it," i say, "because obviously it was voluntarily or else it wouldn't have been happening for a whole month. that's why you were always walking off on our dates or leaving in the middle of our movie nights, wasn't it?"

"yeah.." he says.

"exactly," i say and then turn to ayiana and kairi, "and for you ayiana. how could you? to both me and kai."

"what are you talking about?" ayiana says also playing dumb.

"i know he cheated on me with you. like i said, vallyk told me," i say and kairi scoots away from her.

"really?" kai says as his voice cracks.

"no babe i would never do that to you," ayiana tries to say.

"save it ayiana. i knew you were gonna hurt him from the start. why do you think i hated you so much? i actually started to trust you recently and trust that you were gonna treat him well, obviously i was wrong. jaylen, you can go suck a dick, i'm done caring," i say.

"get out ayiana," kairi says.

"come on, kai, please just hear me out," she says and kairi rolls his eyes. she takes him out into the hallway and shuts the door so we can't hear.

i sit down on the floor against the wall and bring my knees to my chest and bury my head in my arms and try not to start crying again.

mateo sits down next to me and wraps one arm around me for comfort and vallyk sits on the other side of me.

"jaylen if i wasn't clear, get out," i say.

"ariana, please. i'm so sorry. my mental health has been fucked up recently and i wasn't thinking. i never wanted to hurt you," he lies.

"that's what they all say. now get. out." i say. i hear the door open and close and the tears fall again and vallyk rubs my back.

"she's gonna convince kairi to stay with her, you know that right?" vallyk says.

"i know," i say. the door opens again and i look up to see them walking in together with ayiana smiling and they sit back down where they were.

"are you for real?" i ask.

"i'll talk to you about this later," kairi says.

"yeah whatever," i say. i block everyone out by getting on my phone.

ari 🌚
we'll be there soon

lils 🦋
what time

ari 🌚
we're about to leave

lils 🦋
okay that's fine

ari 🌚
there's been a little change of people tho

lils 🦋
wym ?

ari 🌚
jaylen cheated on me and vallyk's here so vallyk will be there instead of jaylen , i'll explain more when i get there

lils 🦋
i'm so sorry 🥺

ari 🌚
it's fine , i'll see you soon

lils 🦋
see you soon

"hey we should probably get going. it's late," i say to kairi, ayiana, and vallyk, "i'll see y'all later." i hug both mateo and jackson.

we all leave and i go to my car to see jaylen's stuff gone. he musta called an uber to take him to a hotel or something until he could book a flight back.

we all get in the car and put vallyk's bags in too and then we drive to lillian's house. once we're there, i go and knock on the door.

lillian opens it and immediately hugs me super tight and then side hugs kairi.

"i'm lillian!" she says.


"ayiana. kairi's girlfriend"

"it's nice to meet y'all. uh come in," lillian says. we all go inside and then shows us the rooms that we're staying in.

i'm staying with lillian in her room, kairi and ayiana are staying in a guest room, and vallyk is staying in the other guest room.

once we're in lillians room, i change into pajamas and then we sit on her bed.

"so tell me what happened," she says.

"so at the beginning of the year, we went to a party and i saw vallyk kissing brianna and it made me jealous so i hooked up with jaylen. jaylen and i started to hang out a bunch and then started dating and we have been for three months now," i explain, "ayiana and jaylen both don't have family to celebrate with so we took them with us and then today vallyk showed up at my house crying and told me that brianna cheated on him with jaylen and then told me that jaylen was cheating on me with brianna and ayiana."

" kairi's girlfriend?" lillian says.

"yeah and brianna was vallyk's girlfriend if you didn't get that already. and kai knows she cheated but for some reason they're still together. i don't know what she told him," i say.

"i'm so sorry ari. i wish there was something i could do," she says.

"don't bring up his name. and don't bring anything up in front of kairi, ayiana, or vallyk. not when i'm around at least," i say.

"okay," she says. we eventually end up falling asleep while watching a movie.

a/n : i need netflix show suggestions.

i've already watched -on my block, -jane the virgin, -the flash, -greenhouse academy, -fuller house, -outer banks, -all american, and -never have i ever

so recommend something that's not one of those :) thank you lmao

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