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someone pointed out the fact that when i introduced jaylen , i accidentally introduced him as darkskinned 😑🤦‍♀️

i meant to say lightskin..

the reason is says darkskinned , is because i wasn't originally gonna use jean but then i decided to and accidentally forgot to change it

uhhh i was gonna say something else but i forgot...

oh wait , 30 seconds after looking at opened apps i have on my phone to see if it was something to do with those , i remember what i was gonna say

my camera roll reminded me lmao

i have the cast and first two chapters of a mike book in my drafts :)

i'm not gonna upload it until i finish this book bc ion wanna have too many books going on at one time

i have this one , the sequel to baby daddy , and a mairi one on my other account already going on

("shorty || mairi" on @-PEACHYMAIRI if you wanna check it out)

i think that's it

wait no

look at these adorable pictures of kairi and ayiana

look at these adorable pictures of kairi and ayiana

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my favorite is the pink one

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my favorite is the pink one

okay i'm done now

okay have a good night / day / morning , whatever time it is for you , love you all ❤️

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