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i look at my phone and realize i'm still on facetime.

"good morning angel," vallyk says in his raspy morning voice once he sees my face. oh my gosh his voice could make me crumble.

"good morning bub. i'm gonna get ready real quick," i say.

"okay," he says. i go to my closet and just take out a pair of sweats and a crop top and put it on. i then do the rest of my morning routine and go sit back in front of my phone.

"i'm gonna go to chick fil a for breakfast so you're coming with me i guess," i say.

"if only you could get me some too," he says.

"if only," i say as i put on my shoes and we both laugh. i go downstairs and go out and get in my car and drive to chick fil a.

i get the chicken sandwich bites with the sweet bread. and i also get a sprite. 

once i order, i get my food and drive back home. i go up to my room and start eating but turn the camera away from me.

"wait no i wanna see your beautiful face," vallyk says.

"noo i'm eating," i say.

"so?" he says.

"so i don't like when people watch me eat," i say.

"i don't care. everyone has to eat. you're fine," he says. i laugh and set my phone up to where he can see me and continue eating my breakfast.

"let me get a bite," he says. i hold up a piece to the camera and he fake bites it making me laugh again.

"you're so dumb," i laugh.

"if i was there i'd be wrestling you right now," he says.

"and i would be winning," i say confidently.

"you sure?" he asks.

"100%," i say.

"oh we'll see soon," he says.

"mhm we will. and i'll beat your ass," i say.

"say what you want but you know i'll win," he says. i laugh and then get up to go throw my trash away.

"waaaait no! take me with you!" he says. i roll my eyes playfully and grab my phone, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"did kairi tell you yet?" my dad asks before i walk back upstairs.

"no, what?" i say.

"he's gonna be staying with us from now on. the family he usually stays with moved so he has no where else to go and lillian's parents won't let him stay at their house," he explains.

"okay that's fine. there's a guest room so it doesn't matter to me," i say.

"and obviously it'll only be when you're in massachusetts," my dad adds.

"yeah i know," i say.

"hey mr hunter!" vallyk says. i smile as i turn the phone towards my dads direction.

"oh hey vallyk. how are you?" my dad asks.

"i'm good, thank you. how are you?" vallyk says.

"i'm good, thank you," he says.

"okay dad i'm gonna go back to my room now," i say. my dad nods and i walk back upstairs to my room. i set my phone up and sit on my bed.

"so kairi's staying with you now?" vallyk says, a worried look appearing on his face.

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