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friday, december 14

"i got all my stuff, do you have yours?" kairi asks as walks in my room. 

"yeah lemme just grab my charger real quick," i say. i grab my charger and the rest of my things and hug vallyk before leaving with kairi.

we go to ayiana's dorm and then jaylen's and then mateo's and then we all go to my car and get in. we drive to the airport and go in to our gate and wait.

we're staying until january 6th. our flight back is that morning. so we have a while to spend with them. hopefully i get to see both my mom and my dad.

"ari," jaylen says.

"yeah?" i ask.

"what if your parents hate me?" he asks.

"babe stop playing. they'll love you," i say.

"how do you know? what if i fuck up my first impression?" he asks.

"i know my parents and they're not strict whenever it comes to boys," i say, "just be yourself. don't try too hard but don't try too little."

"okay.." he says. i lean over and kiss him and wraps his arms around me.

"i promise you'll be fine," i say and kiss him again.

"flight 34, gate 8, now boarding," the loud speaker says. we all get out of our seats and get on the plane.

i sit next to jaylen and then kairi and ayiana sit across from us. to stall, i play on my phone and sleep during the flight.

mateo went to my dads house so he didn't get on the same flight as us.


we finally land and we all excitedly and nervously get off the plane. we go to the rent-a-car place and get a car.

we all load our stuff in the trunk and get in the car and drive off. i pull up my moms address and follow the directions.

we finally arrive and i shake my hands a little because i'm nervous.

"alright, let's go!" kairi says. we all get out of the car and walk up to the door. i knock and wait for an answer.

maiya opens the door and her jaw drops when she sees me and kairi. she quickly wraps her arms around kairi's waist.

"i thought you weren't coming?" she says.

"we wanted to surprise y'all," kairi says and she lets go of him and hugs me.

"maiya, who's at the door?" i hear my mom say. she walks over and kinda just freezes whenever she sees us.

"surprise!" i say. i quickly walk in the house and hug her. kairi's dad comes and hugs kairi then my mom hugs kairi and kairi's dad hugs me.

"oh yeah. mom, this is my boyfriend jaylen," i say as jaylen walks in the house.

"and this is my girlfriend ayiana," kairi says.

"it's nice to meet you both!" my mom says as she goes to hug them. kairi's dad shakes both of their hands.

"neither of them get to celebrate christmas this year so ari and i assumed it'd be okay to let them celebrate with us this year," kairi says.

"yes of course it's okay!" my mom says and i hug her again to thank her.

"thank you," i say.

"no problem," she says, "now go put your bags away and chill, i know y'all must be tired."

"and we have big news tomorrow so make sure you get your rest," kairi's dad says. (imma start calling him mr cosentino)

we all go upstairs and jaylen and i go to my room and ayiana and kairi go to kai's room. i lay down on my bed and cuddle with jaylen.

"what movie you wanna watch?" i ask him.

"umm home alone," he says.

"okay," i laugh. i find the movie and put in on and then we just chill for a while.


my mom and mr cosentino call us downstairs for dinner so we all go down there and sit around the table.

my mom brings the food and we all get our plates and then start eating and talking.

"so ari, did you meet jaylen at ucla?" my mom asks me.

"yes," i say.

"and you met ayiana there too?" mr cosentino asks kairi.

"yeah," kairi says.

"how long y'all been together?" my mom asks.

"we've been dating for almost three months," i say.

"and we been dating for 2 months," kairi says.

"well congratulations y'all. i'm happy for all of you," my mom says. i lean over to whisper in jaylen's ear.

"told you she'd love you," i say.

"still haven't met your dad," jaylen says.

"you will and he'll love you too," i say. we go back to eating and talking.

"how's ucla?" kairi's dad asks.

"stressful," i say, "and it doesn't help that i've been late to my strictest teachers class four times in the past two weeks."

"what? why?" my mom asks.

"because we'll be out at lunch and get back late," i say.

"so don't get back late," my mom says.

"we don't mean to," i say.

"you know what, as long as you're not failing, i don't care. has basketball or volleyball season started yet?" my mom says.

"i decided i'm gonna do basketball instead of volleyball because they're at the same time and thats too much," i say, "the season is from january 8th to the end of the year."

"that's understandable," my mom says talking about only doing basketball.

"what about soccer, kairi?" mr cosentino asks.

"the season is at the same time as ari's," kairi says.

"ohh okay. ayiana and jaylen, what sports do y'all play?" mr cosentino asks.

"i play volleyball," ayiana says.

"and i play football," jaylen says.

"damn okay.. so four different sports?" my mom says and we all laugh.

"i mean we all have scholarships, so," i say.

"if y'all want to, you can go ahead and go up to bed. it's getting late anyways and i need to talk to cheyenne," mr cosentino says. (a/n : that's gonna be ari's moms name)

we all go upstairs and jaylen and i go to my room while kairi and ayiana go to kairi's and then we go to sleep.

a/n : these next few chapters are gonna be super rushed bc i feel like if i don't get vallyk and ari together soon then y'all are gonna stop reading

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