forty-four 🔞

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wednesday, april 2

the cruise went by super super fast. a lot faster than i wanted it to. we get off the cruise tomorrow afternoon so it's our last full day on here.

vallyk and i decided we were just gonna chill today and spend it in the room and watch movies and stuff like that.

"baby i'm bored," vallyk says after we finish a movie.

"whatchu wanna do?" i ask him.

"mm i don't know," he says and i laugh.

"okay but i'm bored too but i don't know what i wanna do either," i say.

"we coulddd go live again?" vallyk says.

"no..i figured out what i wanna do now," i say. i get on top of him and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his.

"unless you don't want to," i say.

🔞 smut 🔞

(a/n : in the last chapter i said that she was on her period but she's off now)

"no no i'm fine with it," he smiles as he grabs my waist. i kiss him again and he squeezes my ass making me moan a little and he uses that time to slip his tongue in, deepening the kiss.

he slips his hands underneath my shirt, lifting it up, and we pull away just long enough to get both of our shirts off before kissing again.

i trail the kisses down to his neck and jawline, leaving hickeys in multiple places. he flips us over to where he's on top.

he starts kissing down my chest leaving hickeys and then goes to my stomach leaving more. he trails down to the waistband of my sweatpants and looks up at me and i nod my head to let him know he can keep going.

he pulls my pants and underwear down and immediately starts rubbing my 🐱. he enters a finger and moves it in and out of me.

he enters another finger before going faster just to slow down again.

"ughh faster," i say. he picks up the pace, going faster as he kisses me at the same time.

"v-vallyk i'm close," i say so he goes a little faster for a couple seconds before pulling his fingers out.

"what was that for?" i ask.

"i want us to cum together," he says, "so suck me off."

i get on my knees in front of him and stroke his dick in my hands for a few seconds before licking the tip.

"stop teasing ari," vallyk says. i lick a strip from his balls to his tip before putting most of his length in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down.

that's not enough for him so he grabs the back of my head and pushes down making me gag every time his tip touches the back of my throat.

"okay okay i'm close," he groans, "are you ready?"

"yeah," i say. he lays me on the bed and hovers over me.

"are you sure?" he asks and i roll my eyes.

"yes vallyk," i say. he lines himself up with my entrance and slowly pushes inside of me, letting me adjust.

once i'm ready, he starts thrusting into me making me moan loud.

"f-fuck," i moan. thank god these rooms are soundproof.

he picks up the past as he holds his grip on my waist. i dig my nails into the skin on his back as he gets faster.

"i-i need to cum," i say.

"hold it," he says. he thrusts a few more times until his strokes get sloppy.

"okay you can cum now," he says and we release at the same time. he pulls out of me and kisses me before getting off the bed.

🔞 smut over 🔞

"come on i'll help you shower," he says. he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom.

he lays a towel on the counter before setting me on it and then he starts running the bath water.

"a bath?" i ask.

"you can't stand right now," he says.

"true," i say. once the tub is filled, he sets me down in it and gets in across from me. he turns the jets on (it's a jacuzzi) and massages my thighs.

(a/n : idk if i said anything about her being a virgin or not but let's just say she wasn't)

"was that your first time?" he asks and i shake my head no.

"no but you're only the second guy," i say, "was it yours?"

"nope but you're only the second girl," he says. i'm not surprised he wasn't a virgin because he's extremely good looking and he's 19 now.

"you know, i'm glad jaylen cheated on you," he says.

"damn..why?" i ask.

"because then we probably wouldn't have gotten back together," he says making me slightly blush.

"yeah i guess i'm glad he did too if you look at it that way," i say.

"exactlyyy," he says. we wash ourselves off and then he helps me out of the tub, get dried off, and get dressed before he carries me back to the bed.

"oh yeah we needa tell kairi. i don't know if we're telling people or not yet, but i need to tell him at least," i say.

"you can tell him but i'd rather not tell anyone else yet," vallyk says. i take out my phone and call kairi and he quickly answers.

"hey are you with lillian?" i ask.

"yes but she's in the bathroom," kairi says.

"go where she can't hear you, i have something to tell you," i say.

"okay.." kairi says, "okay i'm in the living room now."

"okay. vallyk and i are dating again," i say and he smiles.

"yesss finally," kairi says, "are y'all telling people?"

"no not yet," vallyk says.

"so don't tell lils," i say.

"okay okay," kairi says, "but for real, i'm happy for you guys."

"thank you," me and vallyk both say.

"you're welcome. i'll call you later, we're about to go get ice cream," kairi says.

"okay bye, love you," i say.

"bye love you too," kairi says before hanging up.

"okay now i'm tired," i say.

"okay you can go to sleep," he says. i lay my head on his chest and he plays with my hair as i fall asleep.

a/n : i'd give credits to who wrote this , but they didn't want credits

the person who wrote this is the same person that wrote it for my other book too lol

anyways here you go , here's the smut

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