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we got to the gym and walked onto the basketball court. i take off my jacket and put down my phone and keep one airpod in.

i grab a basketball and practice shooting three pointers. i make most of them, like 7 out of 10 of them, before kairi slaps the ball out of my hands.

"let's play horse," he says and i laugh.

"okay," i say. i grab my basketball and put it back on the rack and i walk back over and stand next to kairi.

he shoots and scores and then it's my turn. i go and make it. then vallyk goes, and he makes it as well.

we keep taking turns until kairi has hors, i have h, and vallyk has h. we're doing a lot better than him because we play basketball but he doesn't.

"see i'd be winning if we were playing soccer right now," kairi says.

"but we're not," i say.

"yeah i can see that," he says sarcastically, "anyways, i gotta take a shit, i'll be back."

"ew i didn't need to know that," i say making both him and vallyk laugh before kairi walks out of the gym.

since the group that was using the other side of the gym and kairi just left, vallyk and i were the only ones left in there.

i shoot around for a couple seconds tryna get my mind off the tension but vallyk breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"ari? why does it have to be so awkward between us?" he asks as he walks over to me.

"maybe because you're my ex," i say as i try to move past him. he puts his arm out and grabs my shoulder.

"please talk to me, ari. i don't want things to have to be this way. even if we're not together like that, i still wanna be friends," he says after i turn towards him.

"maybe i'd be more willing to be friends if you weren't so possessive," i say.

"ari i promise you i didn't mean to be. we were almost 2,000 miles apart. i was just upset that i couldn't be there to spend time with you," he says.

"vallyk i understand that you were scared i would do something with someone, but the fact that you would think i would do something with my friends or my best friend and practically stepbrother, is why i got so upset.  and i get that you want to be friends. but it's hella awkward so it might just take some time. it's not easy to-," i get cut off by vallyk aggressively grabbing my throat and pressing his lips against mine.

without even thinking, i kiss back and set one of my hands on the side of his neck and the other around his wrist. (on the arm that's on her neck)

once i finally realize what i'm doing, i pull away from him and look at the floor then back up at him.

"you didn't listen to a word i just said did you?" i ask.

"nope. and you wouldn't shut up so that's the first thing i thought of," he says, "don't lie, you loved it."

"i mean i won't disagree, but like i was saying before very attractively cut me off, i just need some time before i'm okay with trying us again. but i guess we can be friends," i say.

"that sometimes kiss?" he asks and i roll my eyes.

"friends. don't push it," i say.

"damn. stubborn ass," he mumbles as he walks away.

"i heard that dumbass," i say making him laugh kairi finally gets back from the bathroom and we continue our game of horse.

after kairi loses, vallyk and i keep playing and i win. not surprised though, because i can shoot.

"y'all wanna go back to the dorm? i'm tired," kairi says.

"of course you are. let's go," i say. we all grab our things and start walking back to our dorm room.

once we're there, we all go inside and i go back to my room. i continue unpacking and eventually call jordan and ask to meet up so i can tell her what happened in the gym.

she tells me to go to her dorm so i do. once i'm there, i knock on the door and lonnie opens it for me. jordan walks up behind him and he walks away.

she walks out and shuts the door behind her. she grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway. i have no clue where we're going.

she takes me to the parking lot and tells me to get in the car so i do. she starts the car and drives off. 

"we're going to starbucks by the way. anyways, spill," she says.

"okay so kairi wanted to go play basketball and he invited vallyk too and so we went. we were playing horse and then kai had to go to the bathroom so it was just me and vallyk," i say.

"and then.." she says.

"and then he asked why it had to be so awkward and i start rambling and he cut me off by choking me and kissing me," i say and her eyes go wide.

"no way," she says.

"yes way. i told him i needed time though," i say.

"ooh girl. y'all for sure getting back together," she says.

(a/n : we-e are never ever ever getting back together. someone please help me)

"no jordan we are not getting back together. he was just tryna shut me up. plus even if we were gonna get back together, it's gonna be a little bit because i need time. i need to know he's not gonna be like that again," i say.

"whatever. just don't push him away. stay friends and let him show you that he really does want you and that he'll change," she says.

"i know and i will," i say.

"good," she says. we continue talking and hanging out for a while until it gets late. she goes back to her dorm to go to sleep and i go to sleep in mine.

a/n : someone wanna take my guy bsf and replace him ? i think he's broken

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