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"aye chill out guys," i say as i walk over to them.

"stay out of this," ayiana says.

"i'm sorry ari, but this is between us," lillian says and i roll my eyes. i kinda wanna see where this goes so i walk back over to kairi and vallyk.

"why didn't you try and stop them!" kairi says.

"i'm not about to fight both of them. especially not lillian, she's one of my best friends," i say and kairi rolls his eyes, "why don't you try to stop them?"

"trust me i've tried," he says.

"i understand that y'all are together but why are you being a bitch to me? i'm staying away from him!" lillian says so i turn my attention from kairi back to lillian and ayiana.

"you basically just fucking admitted to the fact that you were still in love with my boyfriend. even from when i first got here, i could tell that you still were. you let us in your house knowing damn well we weren't gonna get along and now you're calling me the bitch," ayiana says.

"bruh this isn't my fucking fault. i didn't do this for you or fucking kairi, i did this for my best friend who, by the way, definitely is neither of y'all. kairi's a piece of shit and you can suck a dick," lillian yells before running upstairs.

i run after her and follow her to her room. i go in and sit next to her.

"we can find somewhere else to stay," i say.

"no it's okay i promise," she says.

"no it's not. this isn't working. please lemme call someone," i say.

"fine. only because ayiana's a bitch and i want her gone. not because i want you gone," she says.

"i know. lemme call someone," i say and she nods her head. i go back downstairs and sit next to kairi on the couch who's tryna calm down ayiana since she's still mad.

"i'm gonna call roshaun to see if we can stay with him," i say.

"why roshaun?" kairi asks.

"would you rather me ask robert?" i ask.

"hell no. he wakes up at 4 in the morning," kairi says.

"exactly," i say. i go outside and take out my phone and call roshaun and he answers.

a : hey roshaun
r : hey ari, what's up?
a : so, i know you're with family and everything but is there any possible way that me, vallyk, kai, and ayiana could stay with you until the 6th?
r : um i don't know. i'll have to ask. why y'all need a place to stay?
a : there's no space at my dads house to sleep and lillian and ayiana hate each other so we can't stay at lillian's
r : kairi's ex, right?
a : yep.
r : okay, lemme just ask.
a : okay thanks.
r : no problem

there was a long silence and then i hear him pick his phone back up and start talking again.

r : she said y'all can stay
a : thank you so so so much!
r : no problem. when y'all coming?
a : we're gonna eat lunch real quick then go over there
r : alright that's fine
a : okay see you then
r : see ya

i put my phone down then go back inside.

"we're staying at roshaun's. everyone get your stuff so we can go after lunch. during lunch, ayiana and kairi can sit together and me, lillian, and vallyk will sit somewhere else," i say.

vallyk, kairi, and ayiana get off the couch and go into the bedrooms they were staying in and start getting their stuff.

once they have all their things and i have mine, we put everything in the car then get in. we all go in mine except lillian who goes in hers since we're going to roshaun's after.

we get to the restaurant and go inside. kairi and ayiana get their table and lillian, vallyk, and i get ours.

"what was that argument even about?" i ask.

"i sat on the couch next to kairi, not to talk or anything but that's just where an open spot was, and then ayiana got mad and accused me of trying to get him back," lillian says.

"i know that y'all broke up because of long distance, but what was the real reason? there was definitely something else going on," i say.

"kairi changed. i don't know. he wasn't ever rude to me but he sorta was to his friends. except for you," she says, "i didn't wanna be with someone that might end up acting like that towards me."

"i'm with him like all the time and he's never rude. ever," i say.

"then i guess moving away changed him. or ayiana. or i guess breaking up with me. i don't know," she says.

"i thought you broke up with him," i say.

"i did. i just meant us not being together i guess," she says.

"oh," i say, "and ayiana has changed him. she made him gullible."

"how are they still together?" vallyk asks.

"i don't know. i've been meaning to talk to him and ask but i just haven't gotten to it," i say.

"do you think he'd ever wanna get back with me?" lillian asks.

"depends on if ayiana and him stay together. i can't tell if he actually loves her or if she's manipulating him, but i know for a fact he still loves you," i say and she smiles to herself.

"you still like him that much?" vallyk asks and lillian nods her head.

"yeah. i mean we were together for a long time and he was my first everything. my first crush, my first love, my first kiss, my first- not gonna talk about that one. anyways, my point is, it's too hard to let go of all that. and i really really miss him," she says.

"hopefully y'all will end up back together because i miss when things weren't awkward between y'all," i say.

"yeah me too," she says.

a/n : should i make lillian and kairi get back together or leave kai single after he breaks up with ayiana?

trigger warning : murder/suicide :

idk if y'all heard but there's rumors (idk if they're true) that are saying that kobe's uncle shot and killed his wife (35 yrs old) then shot and killed their 2 kids (8 & 13) and then turned and pulled the trigger on himself (41) also killing him.

keeping his family in my prayers 🥺

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