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big time skip

friday, march 20

we get three weeks for spring break (made something up) and i spent the first week at my moms half the time and my dads the other half.

for the other two weeks, i'm going on a cruise with vallyk. me and him got a lot closer since the kiss and we've been talking for a little bit now.

i mean nothing was ever confirmed, but considering the fact we act like a couple, we're basically talking.

we go on dates, we kiss, we cuddle, he even sleeps in my room with me most of the time now.

we still haven't done anything past hickeys but it's not a big deal to me because i'm not tryna rush anything or have what happened last time happen this time.

anyways, i just finished getting my things loaded in kairi's car since he's driving us to the airport.

after the flight because i'm lazy

we just landed and now all we have to do is drive to docs where we'll be getting on the cruise ship.

(a/n : i know nothing about cruises bc i've never been on one so don't judge me pls lmao)

once we're on, a lady leads us to our room and we put our stuff inside and chill for the night since it's already late.

the next day, we get up and get ready. we go get some breakfast from the buffet and then when we're done, we go back in our room.

"i kinda wanna go live," vallyk says.

"okay," i say. he gets on instagram and goes live and answers questions and stuff.

(underline is comments)

"where's ari? oh she's on the bed. ari come here," vallyk says. i walk over to in front of the camera and sit next to vallyk.

"hiii," i say.

"imagine their babies. oh my goodness. we not together plus we hella young," vallyk says making me laugh a little.

"where are y'all? we are on a cruise," i say.

"when is the next youtube video? uh i'll be posting daily cruise vlogs on my channel and i think ari is doing every other day on her channel," vallyk says.

"yeah i am. where's kairi and lillian? they aren't with us, no one is. it's just me and vallyk," i say.

"they're definitely together. actually no we're not. another couple of besties. yeah and that's all we are. we needa normalize exes being friends please," vallyk says.

"is ari really pregnant? what? who said i was pregnant?" i say.

"there's hella rumors saying you're pregnant and either vallyk or jaylen's the baby daddy. okay jaylen and ari have been broken up since december, and i can promise you i did not get her pregnant. we haven't even done anything that could get her pregnant," vallyk explains.

my phone buzzes so i walk over and pick it up and answer the facetime call from kairi, sitting back down next to vallyk.

oh yeah, kairi and lillian started dating again a little after christmas and made it official to social media around a month ago. kairi's spending his spring break with lillian at the beach in florida.

"hey kai. we're live, is this something you can say on live?" i say.

"hey yeah that's fine," he says.

"okay what is it?" i ask.

"did you hear about those rumors? about you being pregnant?" he asks.

"yeah i didn't actually know until we went live today and we've already addressed it," i say.

"they think jaylen or vallyk is the dad. there's even a few that's saying that angel's the dad," kairi says and i bust out laughing.

"angel has a girlfriend and everybody knows that," i say.

"exactly. i don't even know why this is a thing," lillian says.

"me either. it's so dumb. and even though we addressed it, i just know it's gonna be all over tiktokroom and social media," i say.

"you're in for a fun spring break," kairi says.

"yeah.. we are," vallyk says.

"who does most people think the baby daddy is?" i ask.

"vallyk," lillian says, "since y'all spend so much time together."

"he's my best friend what do you expect," i say, "anyways y'all wanna say hi to the live? they were asking where y'all were earlier."

i turn my phone toward vallyk's camera and show them on the live and they say hi.

"heyyy," kairi and lillian say.

"where are kairi and lillian?" vallyk reads off for the second time.

"we are on vacation at the beach but we're in florida," kairi answers.

"do y'all go on double dates? no because vallyk and i aren't together. but we do hang out with just the four of us a lot whenever we can. and if lillian can't hang out, she's on the phone with me or kairi and we're all talking," i say.

he just threw ayiana away

ari and kairi both moved on way too fast


nooo i want lillian and vallyk together

i wish i was ari and lillian 🥺

y'all forget vallyk was also dating bri at the same time 💀

they really said 'you wanna see some real speed bitch'

"y'all got new hoes hella fast. okay kai and ari broke up with jaylen and ayiana in december. it's been 3 months. and jaylen and ayiana cheated on them with each other. they have every right to move on. and bri cheated on me with jaylen so i have the right to move on too," vallyk says.


damn jaylen's really a hoe

they did y'all wrong

aww i can't wait for kai and lillian to get married

y'all switch up so fast 💀

"hey we gotta go. we'll talk to y'all later," kairi says.

"alright. love y'all bye," vallyk and i say.

"love y'all bye," kairi and lillian say. after we hang up, we focus back on the live.

"check tiktokroom. uhh okay.." vallyk says. i get on instagram and go to tiktokroom and there's a post talking about some i'm pregnant and "who is the dad".

"the fuck? this is mad annoying bro. how did this rumor even start?" i say.

"brianna. of course. i'm not surprised," vallyk says.

"and people think we're still friends with her for some reason so they're gonna believe her..." i say.

"okay we're gonna go so we can address this. bye y'all," vallyk says and we both wave at the camera before ending the live.

"this is officially the weirdest drama i've dealt with," i say.

"i don't doubt it'll get weirder," vallyk says and i sigh.

a/n : i didn't know what to do for this chapter , don't judge 💀

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