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monday, august 28

during my first class of the day, i realized that both brianna and angel were in there so i sat with them.

the three of us got pretty close and so when class was over, they both gave me their numbers and i gave them mine.

it's almost lunch time so i was figuring out what i wanted to eat when my phone went off.

brianna newman
heyy y'all wanna eat lunch together today ?

angel rivera
i'm down

ari hunter
yeah for sure , when and where

brianna newman
12 and my dorm , i'm buying chick fil a

brianna newman
speaking of that.. orders ?

ari hunter
ooh 12 piece fried nuggets , large fry , large root beer , thank you

angel rivera
chicken sandwich , large fry , and large sprite

brianna newman
got it , see y'all at 12

i put down my phone and then look at the time. it's 11:30 so i have a little bit. i'm scrolling through tik tok when i get another text.

angel rivera
wanna go to her dorm now so we can be there when she gets back ?

ari hunter

angel rivera
okay imma come to your dorm so we can walk together , your dorm is only a few down from mine

ari hunter

i get off my bed and put my phone in my pocket. i grab everything i need and then go to open the front door.

"where are you going?" vallyk asks.

"oh i'm going to eat lunch with brianna and angel," i say.

"ohh okay, see you later," he says.

"bye," i say. i open the door and angel was about to knock so i laugh and he laughs too. we start walking to brianna's dorm.

once we get there, she lets us in and then she leaves to go pick up the food.

(a/n : i'm gonna make angel be a good friend of ari's. i'm gonna make him nosy but don't get mad bc he's gonna be super trustworthy. and no he's not gonna do anything to betray her. )

"so which one of the guys are you dating?" angel jokes as we sit on the couch.

"none," i laugh.

"yeah i totally believe that," he says.

"i'm actually telling the truth," i say.

"so you don't got a thing for any of them?" he says.

"no comment," i say.

"ooh who?" he says.

"you're like a little girl," i laugh.

"and? i just like being nosy," he says.

"is this your way of hitting on me? because if it is-" i start to say but he cuts me off.

"no no no i have a girlfriend," he says.

"ooohh okay good, because i was finna say 'no thank you.' no offense," i say and he laughs, "are you and brianna dating?"

"none taken. and no, it's this girl named jessika. but you gonna tell me who your boy is?" he says.

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