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two days later

today's the day we're going to go to the college tour. it's gonna be me, kai, mateo, vallyk, derek, mike, and kobe. my parents are letting us go by ourselves so we can hang out.

vallyk and i are coincidentally staying at the same hotel so i take him, mateo, and kairi and go pick up the rest of the boys in our rental car and drive to ucla.

we get a tour guide to show us around. we start walking around the campus and it's huge. and half the time i'm not even fully listening to what the guide is saying because vallyk keeps messing with me.

he'll either pull my hair, poke my sides, or do anything really to annoy me.

"here are the dorm rooms," the lady says.

"are the dorms co-ed?" i ask.

"yes they are," she explains, "the rooms will be co-ed but bathrooms are separated."

"do we get to choose our dorm mates?" derek asks.

"yes you will. you're required to have your roommates before you get assigned a dorm actually. once you have your roommates, you will have a move-in date which will be just a couple weeks before your classes will start," she explains.

(a/n : i don't know how this actually works so don't come at me.)

we go on with the tour and of course vallyk keeps messing with me. once we're done, we decide to go eat. we just end up going to taco bell.

once we get there we all go in and order then find a table to sit at. we eventually get our food and start eating.

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lils 🦋
hey i have some bad news

ari 😍

lils 🦋
my mom is making me go to our local college

lils 🦋
she says she doesn't want me to be so far away

ari 😍
since when did she change her mind ? and why do you have to do what she says ? you're 18 , you can make decisions for yourself

lils 🦋
ari she's my mom. and she made a good point whenever she told me she wanted me to stay. there's no way i'd be able to go 4 years without her.

ari 😍
you'll have holidays and breaks and stuff

lils 🦋
nothings gonna change my mind this time ari. i'm sorry

ari 😍
okay it's fine ig

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it's not fine. i put my phone down and just stare at my feet. i thought today was gonna be fun. i guess not.

"hey what's wrong angel?" vallyk whispers.

"nothing, i'm just tired," i say.

"i'm assuming she just told you," kairi whispers. i nod my head.

"come with me for a second," he says. i look at vallyk.

"we'll be right back," i say to him and everyone else. me and kai both get up and we walk outside.

"did this not make you upset?" i ask him once we get out there.

"of course it did, ari. no one wants a long distance relationship or friendship in your case. but sometimes things happen," he says, "at least she's not living in australia or asia or something. at least she's still in america."

"i know but we had all these big plans for college," i say.

"you'll be okay. sure you'll miss her, but you have text, facetime, call," he says.

"but i'm gonna miss her," i say.

"and you still have 2 months until school starts," he says.

"i can only spend one of those months with her though," i say.

"shit i didn't even think about that," he sighs.

"i'm really gonna miss her," i say. i try to keep the tears in but i can't help it. i thought i was gonna be able to spend so much more time with her.

i'm probably just overreacting. it shouldn't be that bad...right?

kairi wraps his arms around me and rubs my back to comfort me as i cry into his shoulder.

"it's gonna be okay ari. you always have me, mateo, and the boys. and jordan and sora," he says. we stay in the hug like that for a second before i start calming down and he lets go of me.

"look don't let this ruin our trip. we're finally with the boys, with vallyk. this is supposed to be fun. so go in the bathroom, wash your face, clean up, and come back to the table. we'll go do something fun after this, okay?" he says. i nod my head and he hugs me again.

"now go," he says. i go inside and straight to the bathroom and kairi goes back in but goes to the table. once i wash my face, i go back out and sit down.

"you okay?" vallyk asks me.

"yeah. now i am," i say.

after everyone's done eating, we all get back in the car.

"okay before we go back, where do we wanna go?" mike asks.

"the mall?" kobe suggests. everyone agrees and we go to the mall.

we all buy some stuff we want, go to some different stores, and mess around. we end up getting kicked out so we go to dereks house.

we chill there for a while and eventually my dad texts me saying we need to come back to the hotel.

mike is staying at derek's so he stays here. kobe is staying with a friend that lives here so i drop him off. then i drive back to the hotel with kairi, vallyk, and mateo.

we go inside and get on the elevator and stop at vallyk's floor. before he gets off, he kisses me on the cheek then walks off. the door closes and we start going up to our floor.

"um excuse me? what was that?" mateo says.

"nothing, you can't tell anyone!" i say, "the only person that knows is kairi and i would've liked to keep it that way but you know now. just don't say anything to anyone."

"i won't but when did that start?" he asks.

"the day we went to the hollywood sign. whenever y'all left to get food," i say.

"oohh okay," he says. we get back to the hotel room and go in. we get ready for bed, lay down, and get on our phones before eventually drifting off to sleep.

a/n : i have another headache

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