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one week later (sorry for another time skip)

"shit," i say. i'm looking around room looking for my dress but i can't find it anywhere. we're about to leave to go to the venue.

"kairi have you seen my dress?" i ask as he walks back in the room.

"no but my suit was in the very back of the closet, look there. rachel probably moved it so it didn't mix up with your other clothes," kairi says.

"okay thank you!" i say. i run to my closet and look in the very back. i see the cover bag thing and pull it out and walk back in the room.

i grab my duffel bag and make sure my makeup, shoes, extra clothes, phone and charger, and more is in the bags then kairi grabs his bag and we go downstairs.

"y'all ready?" my dad asks. we both nod our heads and say yes and we all go get in the car.

once we get there, we all go in and the girls go to the brides room and the guys go to grooms room.

the girls being rachel, me, jay (she came back for the wedding), rachel's sister, rachel's niece, and my cousin on my dads side.

the boys being my dad, mateo, jackson, kairi, mateo and jackson's cousin, and my cousin.

my mom came and brought jordan and sora with her. jay is in the wedding but sora and my mom are not. and kobe's here but he's not in the wedding.

we all start getting ready and stuff while the decorators put up the last finishing touches. part of the time, i don't even do anything, i just chill with jordan.

"are you ready?" jay asks me.

"hell no. but i have to deal with it. luckily rachel's nice and so are mateo and jackson. so it's not totally horrible," i say.

"yeah her and i talked for a while earlier and she's so sweet," she says.

"yeah," i say, "hold on imma talk to vallyk for a little bit before the wedding starts."

would you like to open facetime?

yes | no

making a facetime call to vallyk 🥺


"heyy," he says once he answers.

"hey," i say back.

"you look different. still beautiful but different," vallyk says making me laugh.

"i have makeup on. the wedding is in like 2 hours," i say.

"still got a while," he says and i nod my head.

"ari, can you go get those sandwich trays from the kitchen and put them on the front table downstairs?" rachel asks me.

"yes ma'am," i say. i get up from the couch and take my phone with me to get the sandwich trays. i bring them to the front table. once i'm done with that, i go back upstairs and sit back on the couch.

"are you excited?" vallyk asks me.

"i mean i guess, i'm just still not ready," i say.

"but you told me they're all nice," he says.

"yeah i know," i say.

"remember you have like two and half months and you're out of there anyways," he smiles.

"ugh i can't wait to see you," i say.

"same," he says. we keep talking for a while and we also talk with jay. i also talk to my cousin and my new aunt and my new cousin and get to know them some.

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