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a/n : i know in the last chapter i said ayiana was gonna be a new friend, but i changed my mind. her and the main character are gonna have more like a love-hate relationship. mostly hate. :)

the plane finally landed and we all started getting off the plane. we walk out of our gate and i text kobe to ask where he is since he had already landed.

once he tells me where him, derek, and mike are, i drag everyone over there. we get to mcdonalds and i immediately go over and hug kobe.

i then hug mike and derek. vallyk is there too but i don't hug him because obviously that would be hella awkward.

then i thought about the fact that the boys don't even know we were dating and they still think that we're best friends.

i can't let them think anything so i drag myself over to vallyk and hug him.

"they don't know, so we have to act like nothing happened," i whisper and he nods his head. after i hug him, i walk back over and stand next to kairi.

"derek, mike, vallyk, kobe, this is jordan, sora, lonnie, mattia, alejandro, and alvaro. guys this is derek, mike, vallyk, and kobe," i introduce them. (they already know kairi and mateo.)

we talk for a few minutes before finally leaving the airport. we order three different ubers to take us to the dorms.

once we're there we go to the dorm office and we get our dorms and everything and then go find them.

mateo's the only one not rooming with someone in our friend group because him and his friends planned a while ago to room together.

once kairi, vallyk, and i find ours, we go in and pick our beds. they take the room with the two twins beds and they let me get my own room which has a queen sized bed.

this is already awkward as fuck. whenever we broke up, i didn't think about the fact that we were still rooming together and we couldn't exactly change it.

like a few times while we were bringing our stuff in we would bump into each other or something and it's sooo awkward. i already hate this.

i get my bed made and get some of my decorations up and then go to sleep since it was late.

the next morning, i woke up, put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth, and went straight back to my room.

i kept unpacking my shit, just trying to forget about vallyk. i'm trying to avoid him, so if i stay in my room forever, then maybe it'll work.

"ariiii," kairi says as he knocks on my door. he opens it and walks after i don't answer and he sees me unpacking.

"is this what you've been doing all day?" he asks.

"i mean yeah..," i say.

"you know it's 1 already right?" he says. i didn't realize i had missed lunch.

"oh shit, for real?" i say.

"yeah we were supposed to go eat with everyone at 1," he says.

"give me 15 minutes and i'll be ready," i say.

"okay i'll tell everyone we'll be there at 1:30," he says.

"okay," i say. he walks out and i quickly get dressed and ready. once i'm ready, i walk out of the room and into the living room where i see vallyk sitting on the couch also ready to go.

"uh where's kairi?" i ask.

"bathroom," he simply says, not even looking up from his phone. maybe avoiding him will be easier than i thought.

kairi finally comes out of the bathroom and we all leave. we drive to a little cafe where we were meeting everyone for lunch.

we go inside and see everyone and i sit down next to kobe and kairi sits next to me. the only seat left at the table is across from me, so that's where vallyk sits.

"why aren't you sitting next to vallyk?" kobe asks. i keep forgetting that they don't know.

"oh um i guess kai just sat down before he could," i lie.

"are you okay? you been acting weird," he says.

"oh yeah, no. i'm fine," i say.

"come on ari, what's up?" he asks.

"uh i'll explain later. not with everyone around though," i say. i trust kobe a lot more compared to everyone else.

"ight. lemme know if you need anything," he says and i nod my head. once we're done eating, i get back in the car with kairi and vallyk.

we get back to the dorms and as soon as we're about to walk into ours, i see a girl down the hallway.

i make eye contact with her on accident so she waves at me and i wave back to be nice. then she starts walking towards us.

"i'm ayiana. ayiana randolph," she says, "so y'all just moving in?"

"uh..yeah. yesterday," i say.

"yeah i can tell. i've never seen you around before. this is my sophomore year of college so i was here last year. i'd be glad to help if you need it," she says as she places a hand on kairi's shoulder. i know exactly where this is going.

"thanks. we'll see you later," vallyk says. we go into our dorm room and i immediately go back to my room.

"come onnn ari. come do something with us," kairi says as he walks in behind me.

"no kai, i'm tryna unpack," i say.

"ughhhh," he groans as he walks out. he goes to his room and i continue to unpack. not even 10 minutes later i see him come back into my room.

"what do you want?" i say.

"i'm boreddd. let's go to the gym and play basketball," he says.

"why right now?" i ask.

"because i'm bored," he says.

"oh my gosh fine," i say. i kick him out of my room and change into a sports bra and leggings and tennis shoes.

i walk out and into the living room where both kairi and vallyk are in gym clothes.

"you invited him too?" i whisper to kairi. he smiles and shrugs making me roll my eyes.

a/n : i said this on my other book too.

idk what's wrong with me. i have no motivation to write right now. actually ion have motivation for anything rn.

the only thing i wanna do all day is stare at a blank wall and cry. and ion even have anything to be sad over rn.

anyways due to the fact that i have no motivation , i will probably not be updating as much.

of course i'm still gonna do it as much as i can bc ion wanna let y'all down , but i'm most likely not gonna do it as much or at least slower.

okay that's all , have a good day/night .

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