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"so they seem nice," lillian says as we walk downstairs. we leave the house and get in my car.

"they really are. and i haven't even known them for a full 24 hours yet," i say as i start driving down the road.

"can we go see kai after we eat? or can he come eat with us? or both?" she says giving me puppy dog eyes. i laugh and nod my head.

"sure," i say. lillian texts kairi and asks him to come eat with us and of course he agrees. we finally arrive at chick fil a and kairi is already there because he lives closer.

we quickly order then go over to him. lillian sits down next to him and i sit across from them. my phone buzzes so i look at it.

jay bae 💜
ari your mom said she's leaving to pick you up in 30 minutes

ari 🙈
that's still like a 5 hour drive so i have a while lmao

jay bae 💜
ik but she still wanted me to tell you

ari 🙈
are you coming with her this time

jay bae 💜

ari 🙈
yay! ily but i gtg. i'm eating lunch with lillian and her "boyfriend"

jay bae 💜
ight ilyt. i'll see you in 5 hours

ari 🙈
okay see you then byee

jay bae 💜

i put down my phone and wait for us to be called. once it is, i go grab the food and bring it back to the table.

lillian grabs her food and so does kairi. i take mine as well and we all start eating.

"oh yeah. my mom is picking me up today," i say.

"when will she be here?" lillian asks.

"5 and a half hours. i still got a while," i say.

"okay," she says. we keep eating and talking and when we're done we throw away our trash.

we get back in our cars and i drive to kairi's house since lillian wanted to go over there. we finally get there and all go inside.

we go up to his room and they sit on his bed and cuddle while i sit in his gaming chair and just go on my phone.

would you like to open 'meet'?

yes | no

would you like to open dysfunctional 😤?

yes | no

dysfunctional 😤

angel 😇
helppp meee

broccoli top 🤚
you good ?

angel 😇
no 😖 i'm third wheeling

lightskinity 🥵
lmao just let vallyk go over there and then you won't be third wheeling

shorty 😪
yes exactly

baby face 😃

angel 😇
lmao anyways..

broccoli top 🤚
wait we're all seniors right?

baby face 😃
yeah why

broccoli top 🤚
where do y'all wanna go to college

angel *vallyk pena*Where stories live. Discover now