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imma start putting dates

sunday, august 27

"wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake u-" i hear someone saying. i don't even know who it is but i grab one of my pillows and smack them with it then i hear thump. i look over and see kairi on the floor.

"you're annoying as hell, you know that?" i say.

"mhm anyways come on," he says.

"where are we going?" i ask, "today is the only day we don't have classes."

"i know that's why we're gonna go out and do something," he says.

"like what?" i ask.

"uhhh i don't know. but we're gonna go with everyone. and a few of the boys friends," he says.

"as in?" i ask.

"you, me, vallyk, kobe, derek, mike, mattia, alejandro, alvaro, sora, lonnie, jordan, mateo, ayiana, jaylen, and a few of mike and vallyk's friends," he says.

"i didn't even mean them. i meant as in who are their friends," i say.

"oohh there's a lot of them. but justin, adam, bobby, fred, devin, jacob, trent, carlo, and angel," he says.

"that's a lot of people and i don't wanna be social today," i say.

"come on, i'll let you stay home next sunday," he says.

"hmmm... no," i say.

"roshaun and robert will also be there," he says and i smile.

"okay fine i'll go," i say. roshaun is like a brother to me and robert is the dumbest person you'll ever meet but it's hilarious so he's fun to hang out with.

"damn wait, how many people is that?" i ask.

"uhhh...," he counts on his fingers, "26."

"and ahiella so 27. and ahiella's friend so 28," vallyk says as he walks in my room.

"why so many and where are we even going?" i ask.

"we're gonna first go play some basketball, then we're gonna go ice skating then we're gonna get dinner and have a huge movie night with a shit ton of snacks," vallyk explains.

"and y'all planned all this without me?" i say and kairi and vallyk both just laugh.

"whatever. get out so i can change," i say and they leave the room. i put on some leggings and a crop top and do my morning routine.

once i'm done with that, i put on my air forces and grab a sweatshirt. i get my backpack and put everything i need in it. (my sweatshirt, dorm keys, phone, charger, airpod, wallet, lipgloss, etc.)

i then go out to the kitchen and take my car keys off the hook.

"i'm ready!" i say. kairi and vallyk come out of their room and they're ready to go too.

"let's go," kairi says. we walk to the basketball court first and we meet up with everyone inside. everyone else is here already.

we all introduce ourselves to each other and then we choose teams. me, kobe, vallyk, jordan, and justin start on one with angel, bobby, derek, roshaun, and trent on the other.

everybody else sits on the bleachers while we play. we do first to 30 points and my team ends up winning of course.

then they play with robert, devin, ayiana, adam, and fred on one and carlo, jacob, mike, jaylen, and mateo on one and mateo's team wins.

then sora, mattia, alejandro, and lonnie play against kairi, alvaro, ahiella, and brianna (ahiellas friend) and sora's team wins.

after we're done playing, we just mess around for a little bit and play horse and stuff. once we're bored of that we quickly get some lunch then we leave to the ice skating place.

we have to go in 4 separate cars. in my car, i'm driving and vallyk is in the passenger seat. kairi, jaylen, and kobe are sitting behind us, and in the back row is mattia, robert, and roshaun.

"how long is it gonna take to get thereee," kairi whines.

"shut up you baby," i joke.

"an hour and a half," mattia says.

"damn i didn't even know that and i'm the one driving," i say.

"well there wasn't any places near us so we found the closest one," vallyk says.

"my question is why are we going ice skating in august?" robert asks.

"because it's fun ratfuck," roshaun says and i hear robert hit roshaun in the back of the head. they start fighting and arguing making everyone in the backseats and vallyk bust out laughing.

"calm down, you're gonna make me crash!" i yell.

"ooh lemme drive the bus... boooommm," kairi says referring to that old tiktok sound making me laugh.

"you're dumb," i say. they finally calm down and then we finally get to the ice skating place. we go inside and get our skates and find a couple tables to set our stuff at.

once i'm ready, i wait for vallyk to put his skates on and then we go out onto the ice floor. i start skating perfectly fine, but i look back and see that vallyk already fell.

"shit! i missed it!" i say as i skate back to him.

"haha very funny," he says as i help him up.

"grab on to the wall," i say. he holds on to the wall and i hold his other hand.

we get a little down the wall until he accidentally kicks my foot making me fall and since we're holding hands, he falls with me and falls on top of me and we both bust out laughing.

"i got that on videooo," jordan yells as she skates over to us. we finally get off the floor and stand back up.

"send it to me later," i say and she nods her head before she skates back to sora and lonnie.

we skate for a while longer until most of us are tired. it's already 7, so we decide to start heading back to the dorms.

we get back in our cars and each car agrees on what they want to eat and then we go get food and eat it on the way.

once we're back at the dorms, we say bye to the people that we have to say bye to because we're not supposed to have company past 10 and it's 9:30 so there's no point.

ahiella, justin, adam, bobby, fred, devin, jacob, carlo, robert, and roshaun go home so we say bye to all of them. apparently angel, trent, and brianna go here so they stay.

mattia, alejandro, alvaro, mateo, kairi, vallyk, derek, mike, kobe, ayiana, brianna, angel, mateo, jaylen, angel, trent, and i all go to trents dorm since he has a big ass living room and it's the biggest out of all of ours.

we watch a whole bunch of movies until 3 am and then we finally go back to our dorms and go to sleep.

a/n : there's not usually gonna be this many people in the story but this was kinda my way of saying some of the characters that will be used at times.

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