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monday, december 31

"kairi have you told ayiana yet? because by the way y'all are acting, it doesn't look like it," i say.

"i told her about what happened with lillian and she said she deserved it since that's what she did to me, but i haven't confronted her about the whole jaylen thing yet," kairi says.

"why would you not confront her? something needs to be said," i say.

"i don't know! i'm too scared," he says.

"scared of knowing the truth?" i ask and he nods.

"i already know it's true but hearing it from her is gonna hurt," he says.

"i understand," i say.

"hey kai can i talk to you?" ayiana asks. they go into another room but ayiana leaves her phone. her screen lights up and i can't help but look. it's jaylen.

jaylen :
is your flight tomorrow or the day after ? i really wanna see you

jaylen :
can't wait for you to break up with kairi

wow. okay then. i take a picture of the texts then i hear footsteps, so i put her phone back down and act like i was on my phone.

"kai, lemme talk to you for a second," i say. i walk to a room with him following me.

"what was that about?" i ask.

"she said she sees that i'm acting weird and that i still don't need to worry about the cheating thing because she's over it and she was never bothered by it," he says.

"well," i say, "you really need to confront her and break up with her. look." i show the picture of her screen.

"that was when we were gone?" he asks and i nod my head.

"so she was planning on breaking up with me and leaving," he says and i shrug.

"i'm sorry," i say.

"i don't even know why this bothers me so much. i don't even like her," he says.

"if i was in your position, it would hurt me too. now put your big boy pants on, go out there, and break up with her," i say.

"but vallyk and roshaun are out there," he says.

"so? you're gonna tell em anyways. just go," i say and he slowly walks towards the door.

he walks back to the living room and i follow him out there.

"ayiana, i know you're still seeing jaylen and you have been for months. i know you're gonna break up with me for him and i know you're flying back home soon. so before you can, i'm breaking up with you," kairi says.

"w-what? how the fuck do you know about that. oh my god. ari told you didn't she? she's a fucking snoop and a snitch," ayiana yells.

"it doesn't matter how i found out, i just don't ever wanna talk to you again," kairi says.

"whatever," ayiana says. she runs upstairs and comes back down with an already packed bag and literally walks straight out the door.

i walk over to a crying kairi and wrap my arms around him. roshaun and vallyk walk over and hug him too.

"i'm sorry kai," i say.

"it's okay," he says.

"aye at least you can get back with lillian now," roshaun says and kairi laughs.

"yeah i can," he says, "but not yet. imma give it a couple days."

we all talk for a while and eventually decide we want to watch a movie. vallyk goes in the kitchen to get popcorn.

he's taking a while, so i go in there to check on him. i walk in and see him sitting on the counter with his phone in his hand and he doesn't look happy.

"what's wrong?" i ask.

"bri. she keeps sending me pictures of her and this random dude tryna rub in the fact that we're not together anymore," he says.

"block her, dumbass," i say.

"i don't want to," he says and i walk over to him.

"to move on, you need to block her," i say.

"i know, but i don't want to," he says.

"i get it, i really do. but you gotta get over her. for you. for your mental health and your growth. you're never gonna be able to get into another relationship if you're stuck on her," i say and i can see tears forming in his eyes.

i stand in between his legs and hug his waist as he quietly cries into my shoulder and i rub his back. i pull away from the hug and look up at him.

"i get that this made you upset but focus on the happy things. focus on being here with your friends and having fun. focus on me," i say and he looks into my eyes.

"i can't when i feel worthless," he says.

"never let a girl make you feel this way. never let anyone make you feel this way. you're an amazing person vallyk. you're nice, funny, considerate. not to mention extremely hot and a good kisser," i say making him laugh at the last part.

"my point is, know your worth, okay? you are worth it. keep your head up," i say. he doesn't do or say anything except stare into my eyes.

he glances at my lips and then back up at my eyes before slowly leaning in. i can't help but lean in too until we kiss. he moves his hands from the counter to either side of my face.

neither of us pull away, and we stay like that for a few seconds. i really didn't want to pull away, but the others are waiting for the popcorn.

"let's not keep them waiting," i say and he nods his head. he gets off the counter and then we bring two bags of popcorn in the living room with us.

we sit down on one of the couches and cuddle while watching the movie and i see kairi look at us then pull out his phone.

kai 🥸

ari 🌚

kai 🥸
when y'all getting back together

ari 🌚
whenever she lets me ask her out - vallyk :)

kai 🥸

ari 🌚

the three of us laugh causing roshaun to look at us weird and i put my phone down and lay my head on vallyk's chest, continuing to watch the movie.

PLS READ    ⬇️

a/n : about the post yesterday , i had just gone through some things with my parents / family . to add to that , i'm about to start my period , so i'm moody . i shouldn't have brought my problems to social media , if that's even what you would consider wattpad , but in my head it was first idea because since i knew my family wasn't gonna say any uplifting words to me , i knew i could count on y'all to say nice things . i promise y'all i'm okay now , but thank you so much to all of those who checked on me .

some of y'all dmed me on here , but my dms don't work so that's why i didn't answer


HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY 2021 (be nice , say it back :))

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