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i wake up the next day to kobe shaking me awake.

"what? what?" i say as i open my eyes.

"my mom lied we're leaving today not tomorrow," he says.

"what? no! that's too early!" i say.

"i know. she wants me back now though so i need to say bye," he says. i get out of bed and hug him tight. i most likely won't see him again until august.

"i love you, i'll see you in a couple months," he says. (a/n : not like that , but as friends.)

"i love you too," i say. i hold on to him for a few more seconds before letting him go. he daps up kairi then walks out of my room and i follow. he daps up jax and tae then hugs me again.

"bye mr and mrs hunter," kobe says. then he walks out of the door. as soon as he leaves, i feel like crying.

like this is the first time i've ever met him but we got so close in these past 2 weeks. i really didn't want him to leave. i go back in my room and lay on my bed.

"you'll see him soon," kairi says.

"not soon enough," i say. i pick up my phone and decide to facetime vallyk.

"hey angel," he says once he answers.

"hey bub," i say.

"are you okay? you sound upset," he says.

"kobe just left," i say.

"aw i'm sorry. you'll see him soon though," he says. i nod my head and we keep talking and he eventually starts playing fifa with kairi.

they're being loud so i go downstairs. i see rachel in the kitchen and go over to her and lean against the counter.

"hey sweetheart," she says as he rubs my shoulder.

"you're going to the same college. you'll see him in august. that's 2 and a half months," she says.

"i know i just miss him. and i think part of it is that he reminds me of vallyk because of the group chat. and i wanna see vallyk. like really bad," i say. she knows about the whole group chat thing.

"isn't he also going to ucla?" she asks. i nod my head.

"then you'll also see him then too," she says.

"yeah true," i say.

"speaking of ucla. your dad and i were talking about flying out to california for a little vacation and for you, kai and tae to go see ucla. see what it's like, kinda see your way around. we'd be going at the end of this month then take you to your moms after. what do you say?" she says and my frown immediately turns into a smile.

"you're being for real?" i ask. she smiles and nods her head.

"yes! yes! yes! i would love that! thank you so much!" i say as i go around the counter and hug her. she tightly but gently hugs me back.

i run upstairs to tell kairi the news.

"kairi kairi kairi!" i say excitedly as i run in the room.

"what what what?" he says as he puts down the controller.

"rachel just said that we're gonna be flying to california for a vacation and to go see ucla!" i say.

"wait what? for real? like actually?" he asks as he stands up.

"yeah!" i say.

"ahh this is so exciting. you don't know how long i've waited to visit california," he says.

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