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friday, september 1

i don't like college.

my first class just ended and we have a big project due that i'm working with angel on since we were paired up.

i'm walking out of the classroom and i feel my phone buzzing so i take it out of my pocket. it's kairi so i answer it.

"hey, what's up," i say.

"hey you wanna eat lunch with me and ayiana and jaylen?" he asks.

"uh sure. where are we eating?" i ask.

"ayiana's. she got us subway," he says.

"okay, i'm leaving class now, i'll be over there soon," i say.

"alright, love you, bye," he says.

"love you, bye," i say. i hang up the phone and then walk back to the dorms and i go to ayiana's instead of mine. i knock on the door and jaylen opens it and lets me in.

i go in and hug kairi and ayiana. she gives me my food and then we all sit in the living room and talk and eat.

"so there's this party tonight," ayiana says.

"oh god, i already know where this is going," jaylen sighs.

"same," i say.

"i think it sounds fun, i'm down," kairi says.

"nah i never said i wasn't down, i just mean shit always goes down at parties," jaylen says.

"so y'all are both in, ari what about you?" ayiana says.

"i don't jaylen said, shit always happens at parties," i say.

"only in the movies," ayiana says.

"not true. my friend got drugged at a high school party one time," i say.

"okay but nothings gonna happen. come on, ari," ayiana pushes.

"oh my god fine. but i'm staying away from the alcohol, weed, and the people," i say.

"we both know you're not," kairi says.

"i am and i will. i'm not tryna get drunk or high tonight. i still have classes tomorrow," i say.

"buzzkill," ayiana mumbles.

"how about just one drink, and dance with me and ayiana, then we'll leave you alone," kairi says.

"fine," i say. it's time for my next class, so jaylen and i leave and go to class.

after class is over, we go back to our dorms and i go to my room and kairi's in there sitting on my bed.

"why are you in here, kai?" i ask.

"i'm gonna help you find something to wear tonight," he says.

"i can find my own clothes," i say.

"no. let me help," he says, "you're not gonna wear leggings and a sweatshirt to a party. now come with me."

he grabs my arm and pulls me out my bedroom then out the dorm. he brings me to his car and we get in and he drives to the mall.

we go to a few stores and he finds a couple dresses he likes and i try them on. he picks his favorite and then we leave with the dress.

"what was the point of that?" i ask, "i have dresses at the dorm. plus you know i hate wearing dresses," i say.

"suck it up buttercup. you're wearing this, end of conversation," he says and i roll my eyes.

i check the time and it's 7:30 so i start getting ready since we're leaving at 8:30. the party is at a house right off campus so we don't have to go far.

i get my dress on and makeup and do my hair and everything and when i'm completely ready, i meet vallyk and kairi in the living room.

as soon as i walk out, both their jaws drop, especially vallyk's.

"you look amazing," kairi says, "thanks to me."

"you really do look stunning," vallyk says and i have to keep myself from smiling.

"thanks now let's go before i back out," i say and kairi gets up and pulls me out the door. we get in the car and drive to the party.

we go in and i immediately smell the stench of alcohol, weed, and sweat. i follow kairi to the kitchen where he starts pouring our drinks.

"who all is here that i know?" i ask.

"everyone we were with on sunday that goes to ucla," he says.

"okay. imma go find angel," i say as he hands me my cup and he nods his head. i walk around looking for a little until i finally spot angel sitting on the couch with kobe, trent, and mateo.

i sit down next to angel and set my drink on the table.

"you don't feel like drinking tonight?" angel asks and i shake my head no.

"why not?" mateo asks.

"because i don't feel like-" i cut myself off by going silent when i see brianna dancing all up on vallyk. i pick up my drink and quickly drink the whole thing.

"can someone go get me another drink?" i ask.

"i thought you just said-" angel says but i cut him off.

"i changed my mind," i say and mateo gets up off the couch. he leaves and comes back with my drink and hands it to me.

"you didn't drug this did you?" i ask.

"why would i drug my own sister? my mom and your dad would kill me," he says.

"true," i say. i quickly drink that one too then i get up to go get myself another drink.

i go to the kitchen and pour myself another drink, drink it, and then pour one more, and drink that too.

seeing brianna all up on vallyk like that makes me so jealous. i thought he liked me- i guess not.

as i'm going to pour another drink, someone grabs my arm. i look up to see jaylen.

"what's up with you? i thought you didn't wanna drink?" he asks.

"nothing," i say.

"how about you come dance with me?" he says and i roll my eyes.

"one more drink?" i ask while pouring it. i quickly drink it before going to the living room with jaylen where everyone is crowded and dancing.

i look over to see vallyk and brianna kissing and i roll my eyes. once they pull away, vallyk looks at me while still dancing with brianna.

since he's looking, why not make him jealous?

i grab the back of jaylen's neck with one hand and the side of his face with the other and press my lips against his. he grabs my ass and pulls me closer as he adds tongue.

a/n : should i do smut between ari and jaylen next chapter or no ? y'all choose

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